August 29, 2015

KPK Selection Committee

Kid: Your looking for commissioners who are like angels right Madam? (hat reads 'Suspects continue to increase')

Women: Ah no, what's important is they're not sensitive about being made into gekos...

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) selection committee (Pansel) tasked with finding a new batch of commissioners after two KPK leaders who were suspended following the Gecko (KPK) vs the Crocodile (Police) fiasco, has been has been slammed for considering candidates with dubious track records on fighting graft.

Kompas - August 29, 2015

August 22, 2015

For the sake of the people

Kid: So many trillions of rupiah to construct a building... for the sake of the people or for the sake of... projects Mr?

Man: For the sake of the people fool! I'm also the people.

Following a massive public outcry, lawmakers at the House of Representatives – consistently rated as one of the most corrupt and poorly performing institutions in the country – have finally shelved a multi-million dollar project to construct new buildings at the Senayan legislative complex which they had argued would help them boost their performance and get closer to the people.

Kompas - August 22, 2015

August 15, 2015

Independence Day

Kid: We are independent aren't we Dad?

T-shirt reads '70th Anniversary of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia', a national holiday falling on August 17 which is widely celebrated with community games for children such as sack races.

Singing Independence, again independence, still independent, sacks read: Judicial mafia, corruption; Terrorism, radicalism, racial, religious and ethnic conflicts; political mafia, power; Narcotics mafia.

Kompas - August 15, 2015

August 12, 2015

Beef Imports

Man on cow: Independence! Truck reads 'Imports'

Government officials are resorting to their now-familiar game of smoke and mirrors by blaming cattle stockpiling by feedlotters for the recent surge in beef prices instead of admitting that the real cause was the trade ministry's ill-advised move to slash the quarterly cattle import quota by more than 80 percent in an effort to show the country had attained self-sufficiency in beef.

Kompas - August 12, 2015

August 8, 2015

Democratic Sovereignty

Kid: Is our democratic sovereignty is in the hands of the people... the politicians or money Dad? (badge reads 'independent candidate')

Sign reads '2015 Regional Elections', writing on sleeve reads 'Business tycoon', 1st badge reads 'Puppet candidate', 2nd badge reads 'Candidate', bag reads 'Bride price', chair reads 'Political Parties'

Kompas - August 8, 2015

August 5, 2015

Rice Self-Sufficiency

Politician: 2016 self-sufficiency in rice!

Farmer: So where's the water?

The government's much touted goal of achieving self-sufficiency in rice by 2016 is facing a tough road ahead with many parts of the country reporting massive harvest failures due to this year's prolonged dry season, made worse by years of government neglect which has left over 50 percent of the country's network irrigation systems in urgent need of repair.

Kompas - August 5, 2015

August 1, 2015

Generic drugs

Kid: This is a generic drug isn't it Dad? (bottle reads PIL KADA, regional election)

Man: Generic, patented whatever! What's important is we're healthy, prosperous and free of the virus of politics and greed! (Headlines read: Political bride price, puppet candidates, incumbent)

In another sign of the country's waning commitment to battling corruption, ex-convicts and graft suspects have flocked to run in the December regional elections after the Constitutional Court annulled a ban on convicts running in elections on the grounds that it undermines their constitutional rights.

Kompas - August 1, 2015