April 29, 2015

Going in circles.

Following a series of regulatory flip-flops and erratic policy-making moves, President Widodo's much touted Nawacita or nine priorities agenda appears to be going in circles.

Kompas - April 29, 2015

April 25, 2015

Cabinet reshuffle

Man: You're in a really big hurry to become a minister aren't you? (wheels read 'problems inherited from the past', 'political uproar')

President Widodo's sliding popularity in the polls has prompted calls for a reshuffle of his so-called 'working cabinet' (Kabinet Kerja), with the loudest calls coming from the political parties that were rewarded with cabinet posts for backing his presidential campaign – and now want even more seats – whose political appointees have been widely blamed for the cabinet's lackluster performance in the first place.

Kompas - April 25, 2015

April 22, 2015

Kartini Day

Sign reads: Airport

Commemorating Kartini Day on April 21, activists say that 136 years since the birth of the nationalist hero and feminist symbol, many Indonesian women are still forced to seek employment overseas as domestic workers (TKI) due to the lack of employment opportunities at home, where they face extortion, violence and sexual abuse at the hands of employers and unscrupulous employment agencies.

Kompas - April 22, 2015

April 18, 2015

A state official stupid

Kid: Mr, are you a party official or...

Man: A state official stupid!

Puan Maharani, who despite her lack of experience and qualifications was appointed as coordinating human development and culture minister in what was widely seen as a token of gratitude to her mother Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) chairperson Megawati Sukarnoputri for supporting President Widodo's presidential campaign, has been given the nod by Widodo to keep her leadership post in the PDI-P despite the obvious conflict of interest.

Kompas - April 18, 2015

April 15, 2015

National drugs emergency

Fears that Indonesia is in the grip of a national 'drugs emergency' that is decimating the country's youth were confirmed Monday after the National Narcotics Agency said it had busted an online operation selling marijuana brownies and arrested three people, one of whom attempted to justify the crime – for which they could receive the death penalty – by claiming he was selling them to help people like himself who were living with HIV and Hepatitis C and used marijuana for pain relief.

Kompas - April 15, 2015

April 8, 2015

Pond of milk

It's not a sea, just a pond of milk, a hook and net is enough to sustain you (from the song Pond of Milk by Koes Plus)

A year-long Associated Press investigation has reveled at least one Indonesian firm – and likely many more – are using slave labor. According to the AP, Pusaka Benjina Resources has been keeping 327 workers, mainly from Burma, working in captivity without pay, on pain of torture or even death.

Kompas - April 8, 2015

April 4, 2015

A poverty of conscience

Kid: Is there any 'Dilkin' (Justice for the poor) Dad?

Man: What there is... is 'Misnurani'... a poverty of conscience!

Gaskin/Raskin – Subsidised LPG and rice for the poor. Newspaper headlines: Grandmother Asyani, Police vs KPK, Political uproar, Fat bank accounts, Robbers.

Rising dissatisfaction with the government is being fueled by the skyrocketing prices of staple foodstuffs, gas and electricity, and the fluctuation of fuel prices in recent months.

Kompas - April 4, 2015