July 28, 2014

Criminal survey

Men: ...criminal survey!... paid survey!

Kid: Make the wrong choice = suffer for five years!

Despite two of the pollsters that claimed victory for Prabowo Subianto being expelled from the country's polling association after refusing to be audited, Prabowo's camp has now reported two pollsters to police for 'treason' for releasing quick counts showing a win for Joko Widodo, who last week was declared the winner of the July 9 presidential election (pilpres) by the General Election Commission.

Kompas - July 28, 2014

July 26, 2014


Kid: Dad... come on legowo (accept something unpleasant in a sincere manner)

Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto (centre), who has repeatedly said he would accept whatever decision was made by the General Elections Commission (left), humiliated himself Tuesday by rejecting the official count and pulling out of the election just hours before Joko Widodo (right) was declared the winner of the 2014 presidential election with just over 53% of the vote, claiming the entire process was flawed and marred with widespread fraud.

Kompas - July 26, 2014

July 19, 2014

Twin presidency

1st wayang character: hooray... A world first! Having a twin presidency! (writing reads 'slander')

2nd character: For the sake of democracy hehe... (writing reads 'fraud')

3rd character: It'll be clear on July 22 right Mr?

Having earlier said he will concede defeat only after the official count is completed, presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto is now questioning the entire electoral process and calling on the General Election Commission (KPU) to postpone the announcement of the final result scheduled for July 22.

Kompas - July 19, 2014

July 16, 2014

Import mafia

Man: Wait until July 22

Joko Widodo, who is expected to be declared Indonesia's next president when the election result is announced on July 22, has accused an 'import mafia' of making the economy dependent on imported goods and commodities. He made no mention however of neo-liberal policies such as the 2010 ASEAN-China Free Trade Area agreement that is decimating local industries with a flood of low-priced goods from China or the ASEAN Economic Community agreement that comes into effect in 2015.

Kompas - July 16, 2014

July 12, 2014

Quick count

Despite quick counts from reputable posters showing presidential candidate Joko Widodo (left) ahead by around 5 percentage points, rival candidate Prabowo Subianto (right) continues to claim he won the July 9 presidential election based on his campaign team's 'own count' and is refusing to concede defeat until the General Election Commission announces the official result on July 22.

Kompas - July 12, 2014

July 5, 2014

Presidential election

Writing on wayang figures: Money politics, [electoral] fraud, horizontal conflicts, smear campaigns

Man: Stay calm, it's safe...

With the July 9 presidential election shaping up to be the tightest and most divisive to date, loaded and sensationalized news coverage – fueled by unsubstantiated gossip and rumors in the social media – is creating public anxiety over the possibility of clashes on polling day.

Kompas - July 5, 2014

July 2, 2014


Presidential debate – Wow
2014 World Cup Brazil – Wow
Basic commodities price rise – Ouch

Seasonal increases in the cost of basic commodities during the Ramadan holy fasting month – largely due to profiteering by food cartels – has seen the cost of many staple foods almost double in price, placing a massive financial burden on Indonesia's poor.

Kompas - July 2, 2014