December 28, 2013

Peace on earth

Man: Peace on earth!

The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence said Thursday that after 15 years of democratic reform, justice in Indonesia has stagnated with the number of human rights abuse cases in the country rising from 448 in 2012 to 709 in 2013, with most violations related to natural resource exploitation, then religious intolerance followed by abuse of power by public officials, police and soldiers.

Kompas - December 28, 2013

December 21, 2013

Proliferation of political dynasties

Kid: Dynasties aren’t just in Banten are they Mr?

The arrest by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah, the head of a powerful political dynasty in Banten province that has been accused of siphoning off tens of billions in public money, has reignited concern about the proliferation of political dynasties around the country.

Kompas - December 21, 2013

December 14, 2013

Traffic accidents

Man speaking to Transport Minister EE Mangindaan: Mr Minister, the road accident rate is dropping, that means transportation is improving yeah?

An announcement by police that the number of traffic accidents in Jakarta has dropped by a fifth – largely attributed to slower travel due to increasing congestion – has been eclipsed by news of a horrific train accident in Bintaro, South Jakarta in which seven people died and 90 were injured.

Kompas - December 14, 2013

December 11, 2013

All that's changed is the year

Man: Ahh, all that's changed is the year and they've gotten older...

Caleg: It's also changed my fortunes!

Despite a lackluster legislative record, poor attendance, scores jailed for graft or implicated in corruption scandals, around 91% of the 560 incumbent lawmakers from the nine major political parties – many of whom have used their positions to amass small fortunes – have been re-nominated as legislative candidates for the House of Representatives in 2014.

Kompas - December 11, 2013

December 4, 2013

A long hard look in the mirror

Man: Please, go ahead Mr...

With the majority of presidential candidates (Capres) being touted by the major political parties showing dismal electability ratings of 10 percent or less, election observers say that many Indonesian politicians suffer from over-inflated egos and need to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror before fostering themselves on an increasingly educated and critical public.

Kompas - December 4, 2013

November 30, 2013

Bank Century

Man speaking to KPK chief Abraham Samad and Supreme Audit Agency head Hadi Poernomo: What's important is where the money went Mr!

Kid: The money's found its way far and wide... and in the end...

Always on the look out for ammunition to attack their political rivals, legislators have jumped on a statement by former vice-president Jusuf Kalla (left) that former Bank Indonesia governor and now vice-president Boediono (right) should be held accountable for the graft ridden 2008 Bank Century bailout.

Kompas - November 30, 2013

November 20, 2013

Austrlian spy scandal

With legislative and presidential elections only a few months away, the Australian spy scandal provided a perfect opportunity for political grandstanding with politicians of every strip falling over each other to demonstrate their nationalist credentials by either blasting Australia – or slamming President Yudhoyono for over-reacting or criticising his inadequate response.

Kompas - November 20, 2013

November 16, 2013

Political dynasties

Man: Don't go saying my party is a corrupt party!

Amid the widening corruption scandal surrounding Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah, the Golkar Party has responded coolly to a thinly veiled attack by President Yudhoyono's (left) in which he warned "the temptation of forming a political dynasty is great and could lead to abuse of one’s position" saying he needed to take a cold, hard look in the mirror given that 15 members of his extended family are running as legislative candidates.

Kompas - November 16, 2013

November 13, 2013

Cheap cars

With hordes of cheap, new cars and motorcycles continuing to hit the city's streets, and the two rail-based public transit networks not expected to be ready until at least 2016, experts have warned that Jakarta faces total gridlock in 2014.

Kompas - November 13, 2013

November 6, 2013

Final voter list

Man: Look out Mr!

Analysts are warning that unless the General Elections Commission (KPU) fixes problems with the final voter list (DPT) millions of eligible voters in the 2014 elections could be deterred from voting, with a recent poll finding that 54.8% of respondents believe the KPU will not be able to solve the problems affecting the DPT and 56.8% saying they were unsatisfied with the KPU's performance.

Kompas - November 6, 2013

November 2, 2013

Masked monkeys

Man: There are still lots of masked monkeys like this in Jakarta right Mr?

While animal rights activists have welcomed Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo's (right) ban on traveling monkey performances known as topeng monyet or 'monkey mask', critics say the governor should be paying more attention to the bigger problem of rampant corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) that still pervades the Jakarta administration.

Kompas - November 2, 2013

October 30, 2013

Iron-Sand Mining

Document reads: 'Iron-Sand Mining Project Permit'

Environmental activists say that iron-sand mining activities are out of control as corrupt local officials scramble to grant permits to mining companies in order to boost regional earnings – and of course line their own pockets in the process – without considering the negative impacts on the environment and the livelihoods of local communities.

Kompas - October 30, 2013

October 26, 2013

A fantasy umbrella

Man: A fantasy umbrella waving in the morning sun, hey, hey who is she...

Kid: May I see your radiant face... hey, hey Bunda Putri... (from the song Payung Fantasi by Ismail Marzuk)

An irked President Yudhoyono has ordered the police to launch an investigation into the true identity of mystery woman Bunda Putri after allegations emerged during a court hearing into the beef import quota scandal that the president and Putri enjoyed a cozy relationship and shared information about the inner workings of Yudhoyono's ruling coalition.

Kompas - October 26, 2013

October 21, 2013

Litany of corruption

Observers say that the arrest of Constitutional Court Chief Justice Akil Mochtar on corruption charges has severely shaken the public's faith in the judicial system and ordinary people are starting to despair in the face of a litany of corruption and bribery cases involving every branch of power – legislative, judicial and executive.

Kompas - October 21, 2013

October 19, 2013

Political dynasty

Cat: A dynasty? What's wrong with that if you can do it...

Man: If you can bribe people right Mr?

The investigation into disgraced Constitutional Court (MK) Chief Justice Akil Mochtar (right) for accepting bribes related to MK rulings on the election of the district heads has now turn to Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah, the head of a powerful political dynasty in Banten province, which has been accused of siphoning off tens of billions of rupiah in public money.

Kompas - October 19, 2013

October 16, 2013

Migrant worker law

Migrant workers: We're always the victims. Platform reads Foreign Exchange Heroes, bubble reads Legal Protection.

While lawmakers squabble among themselves over the ratification of urgently needed amendments to the 2004 migrant worker protection law, according to Migrant Care some 265 migrant workers – which the government likes to refer to as 'foreign exchange heroes' – are facing the death sentence in various counties.

Kompas - October 16, 2013

October 12, 2013

Save the Constitutional Court

President Yudhoyono: Save the MK

Kid: That's all very well but when will we be saved Dad?

In a characteristically knee-jerk reaction to the arrest of Akil Mochtar – chief justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) which is tasked with handling electoral disputes – Yudhoyono plans to issue a regulation in lieu of law (perppu) to restore the court's image amid fears the scandal will invalidate scores of past MK electoral rulings and further undermine the credibility of the 2014 elections in the eyes of an increasingly cynical public.

Kompas - October 12, 2013

October 11, 2013

The only real surprise

The only real surprise about Constitutional Court (MK) chief justice Akil Mochtar's arrest on corruption charges is the political amnesia of those who have joined the chorus of condemnation against him: former MK chiefs who paved the way for graft in the court by curtailing the Judicial Commission's oversight powers, lawmakers who extend Akil's term without undergoing a screening test despite past graft allegations, and President Yudhoyono who blatantly disregarded the proper selection process by choosing political appointee Patrialis Akbar as a MK justice.

Kompas - October 11, 2013

October 9, 2013

National disgrace

The arrest of Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi) chief justice Akil Mochtar on corruption charges has been described as a 'national disgrace' and highlighted the fact that corruption had infiltrated all levels of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government.

Kompas - October 9, 2010

October 5, 2013

A comic farce

Man: A comic farce! Meanwhile our legal system remains a tragedy!

The squabble over President Yudhoyono's nomination of controversial Democratic Party lawmaker Ruhut Sitompul to head the House of Representatives Commission III overseeing law and human rights – which has actively sought to weaken oversight and control of the country's notoriously corrupt legal system – took a comic twist this week with Sitompul threatening to expose the 'dark records' of colleagues who oppose his appointment on the grounds he lacks 'moral judgment'.

Kompas - October 5, 2013

September 28, 2013

Cheap cars!

Hidayat: Cheap cars! What's wrong with the little people driving cars?

Kid: Ordinary people driving cars is a sign of prosperity right Dad?

Man: What's wrong with the little people cycling... as long as they don't eat dry left over rice and tempeh made from peanut residue anymore!

Industry Minister MS Hidayat has defended plans to promote so-called low-cost green cars – which critics say will only worsen Jakarta's already horrendous traffic jams – saying it will allow the poor to shift from motorbikes to cars and speed up technology transfer.

Kompas - September 28, 2013

September 25, 2013

Backroom justice

Man: It seems that money is more agung (grand, exalted, high, noble). Chair reads Hakim Agung (Supreme Court justice), step reads selection.

In the wake of a plan by the House of Representatives to gain more control over Supreme Court (MA) justices, legal affairs commission members have been forced to publicly deny allegations of backroom deals after MA justice candidate Sudrajad Dimyati was caught giving what was believed to be an envelope to a lawmaker in a restroom during a fit-and-proper test.

Kompas - September 25, 2013

September 21, 2013

Democratic Party convention

Kid: For the convention test: Tempeh made from peanut and soybean residue... they're fond of that right Mr?

Speculation is rife that the Democratic Party convention – which recently announced 11 'public figures' as prospective candidates – is little more than smoke and mirrors before it goes ahead and appoints retired General Pramono Edhie Wibowo (centre-right), President Yudhoyono's brother-in-law, as its presidential candidate. Many say he is the First Family's preferred choice and the convention staged to grant him the nomination.

Kompas - September 21, 2003

September 18, 2013

Cheap cars?

Man: Cheap cars? Relax... our roads are still free and easy

With a recent World Bank report predicting that Jakarta could face total gridlock as early as 2014 and worsening traffic congestion in most cities, President Yudhoyono has come under fire over his administration's policy to boost sales of so-called low-cost green cars with critics saying the government should be promoting public transport and infrastructure instead of giving tax breaks to big automobile companies.

Kompas - September 18, 2013

September 14, 2013

Two terrorists

Man: They're two terrorists Mr... the first kills millions of ordinary people slowly... the other kills in an instant...

Police chief Timur Pradopo (left), who in 2010 was named the sole candidate for the job by President Yudhoyono (right) and whose tenure was marked by growing public insecurity, worsening sectarian and religious violence, increased terrorist attacks and rampant corruption within the police, is set to be replaced by another Yudhoyono appointee, Sutarman, who distinguished himself as top detective by actively undermining the work of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Kompas - September 14, 2013

September 7, 2013

Mad cow disease

Kid: It looks like the mad cow disease is spreading Dad?

Man: It's not mad cow disease, they're cow-crazy (to become crazy about making money from cows)!

Calls are mounting for anti-graft investigators to broaden the investigation into the beef import corruption case that has embroiled the Justice & Prosperity Party amid new claims that the scandal reaches as high as the presidency.

Kompas - September 7, 2013

September 4, 2013

Food import cartels

Businessmen: Ah, absolutely delicious

Man: Duh, very bitter and hard

According to the country's top anti-corruption agency, the government's poor management of commodities has created loopholes resulting in the creation of food import cartels seeking to control the market through speculation and price fixing resulting in both scarcity and high prices for basic food staples.

Kompas - September 4, 2013

August 31, 2013

Authentic soya sauce

Man: Authentic soya sauce yeah Mr? (bottle reads 'The No 1 Authentic Soya Sauce', badge reads 'Presidential Candidate')

Kid: But soybeans are scarce and expensive!

Popular food staples tempeh and tofu have virtually disappeared from traditional markets due to soybean shortages and souring prices caused by price fixing and hoarding by food import cartels. There seems to be no scarcely however of presidential hopefuls all branding themselves as the most authentic and tasty candidate on the market.

Kompas - August 31, 2013

August 21, 2013

Panjat Pinang

Prizes read (clockwise): 2014 elections, high prices, security forces shootings, weakening rupiah, riots, oil and gas corruption.

Panjat Pinang, a traditional celebration of Indonesia's Independence Day on August 17 that dates back to Dutch colonial days, involves contestants being challenged to scale slippery betel nut tree trunk placed vertically in the ground with a wheel full of prizes at the top.

Kompas - August 21, 2013

August 7, 2013

So now please forgive

Politician: Last year's Lebaran is over. So now please forgive my physical and emotional wrongdoings (a traditional Idul Fitri greeting) once again...

While the political elite like make a big show of observing the rituals of the Idul Fitri celebrations at the end-of-Ramadan holiday period, it is little more than an exercise in polishing their public image as they prepare to get on with what they do best – robbing the country blind.

Kompas - August 7, 2013

July 31, 2013

His smile helps wash away...

Man: His smile helps wash away...

Senior politicians running as legislative candidates (caleg) in the 2014 elections have been forced to defend themselves against charges of opportunism after several political parties setup so-called 'coordination posts' (posko) providing free rest stops and refreshments along major highways being used for the annual Lebaran holiday exodus known as mudik.

Kompas - July 31, 2013

July 27, 2013

Holiday Bonus Gift Project

Kirmanto: Lebaran's just around the corner...

Kid: Why's it only just before Lebaran that the roads get fixed Dad?

Man: It's what you might call a Holiday Bonus Gift Project fool!

As around 30 million people prepare to join the annual Lebaran holiday exodus, Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto has admitted that roadwork on Indonesia's major highways – which have been dogged by accusations of graft, bureaucratic delays and shoddy repairs – won't after all be finished on time.

Kompas - July 27, 2013

July 24, 2013

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – The national motto Unity in Diversity. Club reads Mass Organisation X.

Despite a series of fatal clashes involving the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front, the government has refused to act against the group, reinforcing the view that the real motivation behind the enactment of the draconian mass organisation law – which lawmakers argued was needed to shut down violent groups and gives the government the power to disband organisations deemed to threaten the state – was to muzzle public criticism of the government.

Kompas - July 24, 2013

July 17, 2013

Don't just twitter about it

Man: Don't just twitter about it (sign reads 'Pantura mudik route')

With some 15 million Indonesians expected to join the annual Idul Fitri holiday exodus known as mudik – many of whom are hoping that services such as Twitter's Info Pantura will save them from the worst of the traffic and impassable roads – fresh allegations have been leveled at the public works ministry alleging that ongoing roadwork on Java's northern coastal highway (Pantura) has been ridden with graft, delays and shoddy repair work

Kompas - July 17, 2013

July 13, 2013

Pork barreling

Mirror reads Conscience of the People, badge reads Presidential Candidate, can reads BALSEM.

The government's temporary direct cash assistance program (BLSM, sometimes jokingly referred to as BALSEM, to provide instant pain relief) – ostensibly to compensate the poor for the recent fuel price hike – has been branded as mere pork barreling, with ministers that have no connection to the scheme but thought to harbor presidential ambitions scrambling to be seen distributing largesse among voters ahead of next year's elections.

Kompas - July 13, 2013

July 10, 2013


Man: Best wishes in fulfilling the obligations of the holy fasting month

As the holy month of Ramadan arrives and Muslims prepare for a season of fasting and reflection, this year’s celebrations will be dampened by the impact of the recent subsidised fuel price hike – which along with the annual Ramadan-induced inflation – has effectively doubled the cost of many sample foods, placing a massive financial burden on Indonesia's poor.

Kompas - July 10, 2013

July 6, 2013

Mass Organisation Bill

Kid: Is that for me, or you Mr?!

Ignoring a chorus of mounting protest, the House on Tuesday passed into law the repressive Mass Organisation Bill (RUU Ormas) arguing that it is needed to protect the public from in 'mob violence' (kekerasan). Critics say the law is a grave threat to democracy and harks back to Suharto's New Order regime giving the government the power to arbitrarily disband organisations deemed to be a threat to the state.

Kompas - July 6, 2013

July 5, 2013

Prices going up

Basket reads "Prices going up"

Soaring inflation resulting from the government's widely criticised decision to increase subsidised fuel prices is already impacting on household consumption – which contributes around 60% to GDP growth – with the World Bank saying economic growth will fall below 6% for the first time in two years.

The iconic Heros Statue in Jakarta inspired by Indonesia's independence struggle depicts a peasant man carrying a rifle while a women offers him a dish of rice.

Kompas - July 5, 2013

July 3, 2013

National Police anniversary

Speaking at a ceremony marking the 67th anniversary (HUT) of the National Police (Polri) Monday, President Yudhoyono praised the force for their 'outstanding performance in enforcing the law and maintaining security and public order'. 14 years after its separation from the military, the police remain plagued by graft, impunity and torture, with a recent survey finding that 57% of the public were dissatisfied with law enforcement, up from 41% in 2010 and 50% in 2012.

Kompas - July 3, 2013

June 29, 2013

Tweeting the economy

Sign reads 'Economic, Political Policies', hand (right) reads 'Prices'

Government assurances that the country's economic fundamentals remain strong has done little to stem declining exports, a weakening rupiah and widening balance of payments deficit. Souring inflation meanwhile, following President Yudhoyono's (left, who recently jointed Twitter in order to 'stay in touch with the people') widely criticised decision to increase subsidised fuel prices, has seen the cost of many staple foods double over the last few weeks.

Kompas - June 29, 2013

June 26, 2013

Prices are under control

Man: Prices are under control... there's a 'driver' right

Despite repeated assurances by the government that market prices are under control, the much criticised fuel price hike – just weeks before the fasting month and Idul Fitri holidays when increased demand sees an annual spike in prices – has resulted in the cost of staple foods such as rice, chicken, sugar and chilies more than doubling.

Kompas - June 26, 2013

June 25, 2013

Social Exhibitionism of Politikus

From an oped piece titled The Social Exhibitionism of Politikus (Politikus – literally 'political rat', a derogatory term for politicians)

Kompas - June 25, 2013

June 22, 2013


Kid: BaLSeM. Warm... provides instant relief for kerokan (after oiling and scraping the body) and soreness!

The government's temporary cash assistance program (BLSM) – ostensibly to cushion the poor against the inflationary impact of the recent subsidised fuel price hike – has been branded as mere pork barreling, as ministers with no connection to the scheme scramble to be seen distributing largesse among voters ahead of next year's elections.

Kompas - June 22, 2013

June 19, 2013

Will it reach its target?

Man: Will it reach its target, no, yes? (chest reads Fuel Compensation Funds, book reads 2013 State Budget)

If past experience is any guide, the government's program to compensate the poor for the planned fuel price hike will likely miss its target with much of the money being siphoned off by corrupt government officials or given to well-off families that are not entitled to assistance.

Kompas - June 19, 2013

June 15, 2013

Simalakama fruit

Man: Simalakama fruit is sweet too right Mr? (a play on the saying "Like eating Simalakama fruit, if you eat it your father will die, if you don't your mother will die")

President Yudhoyono (left) has defended his government's widely unpopular plan to hike subsidised fuel (BBM) prices – which critics say will do little to help the budget deficit and the resulting inflation will throw millions into poverty – saying it's a "bitter pill we have to swallow" to save "the nation's budget and the future of the country".

Kompas - June 15, 2013

June 14, 2013

Legislative elections

Next year's legislative election is unlikely to yield any improvement in the quality of lawmakers since political parties have selected candidates based on popularity rather than ability, with an Indonesian Voters Institute analysis of the candidate lists submitted by the 12 parties participating in next year's ballot finding most contenders are either exiting lawmakers or celebrities.

Kompas - June 14, 2013

June 12, 2013

Ready to win Mr?

Man: Ready to win Mr?

Cakada: Yep

Man: Are you also prepared to loose?

Cakada: Yep...

Violent clashes between "supporters" of rival candidates (Cakada) in the election of regional heads is becoming commonplace with more than 70% of elections resulting in some sort of controversy and dozens of regional polls turning violent because of mob action in support of losing candidates.

Kompas - June 12, 2013

June 8, 2013

Time Bomb

Bomb reads: Terrorism, Bank Century scandal, Lapindo mudflow disaster, Hambalang corruption scandal, narcotics, police general's fat bank accounts, beef import scandal, fuel price hikes, Poso sectarian violence, etc...

Kompas - June 8, 2013

June 1, 2013

Congratulations Mr President

Man: Congratulations Mr [President]

Ignoring ridicule and angry protests by rights activists and religious minorities, the US-based interfaith organisation the Appeal of Conscience Foundation presented President Yudhoyono – who's administration has presided over a rising tide of state-sanctioned religious persecution – with the World Statesman Award on May 30 in "recognition of his work in supporting human rights and religious freedom".

Kompas - June 1, 2013

May 15, 2013

Palace of the Gods

Newspaper reads: Housing prices continue to rise, Palace of the Gods only 2.8 billion [rupiah].

Man: Is that the price, its so low...

While property developers are reaping big profits from Indonesia's booming property market, the high price of land caused by unproductive ownership, land and building speculation and the control of land and housing by a few is pushing housing prices beyond the reach of Indonesia's poor.

Kompas - May 15, 2013