March 31, 2012

Opportunistic opposition

Sleeve reads policies, security cable reads fuel.

After vacillating for days over the government's widely unpopular fuel price hike planned for April 1, late on Friday evening as protesters crashed through the house gates while they deliberated, government coalition lawmakers suddenly "rediscovered" their concern for the ordinary people and rejected the policy. Analysts and critics alike slammed the about-face as self-serving opportunism designed bolstering their electoral fortunes in 2014.

Kompas - March 31, 2012

March 28, 2012

Fuel price hikes

With the hoarding of fuel and other goods already resulting in scarcities and rising prices in many parts of the country, rights groups have slammed a plan to deploy the army to control street protests against planned fuel price hike in April saying the military should not be used as a tool to deal with opposition to government policies and that the government should have considered the level of public anger over the issue.

Kompas - March 28, 2012

March 24, 2012

Natural balance

Man: There's a natural balance: There is the sky and the earth, there is day and night, those who are poor and those who are rich, and there are things that go up...

Kid: And things that fall!

The government's argument that a 30% fuel price hike is unavoidable due to rising international prices is falling on deaf ears as thousands of angry protesters take to the streets across the country rallying around the slogan BBM naik tapi SBY turun (Fuel prices may rise but President Yudhoyono will fall).

Kompas - March 24, 2012

March 21, 2012

I also come for your taxes...

Man: Ah, you only come to us in the lead up to elections Mr...

Politician: No... I also come for your taxes...

Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo has announced the city is postponing a controversial plan to tax roadside food stalls, already struggling to survive illegal fees and spiraling prices. Bowo, whose approval rating in June stood at a dismal 29.4% and is running for re-election in July, said the postponement was because "there are some things we have to analyze further".

Kompas - March 21, 2012

March 17, 2012

Just hang them!

Man: Good idea Mr! Don't jail or impoverish corruptors... just hang them!

Democrat Party lawmaker Sutan Bathoegana tried to put a positive spin on a statement by party chair Anas Urbaningrum (left) that he was willing to be shot dead or hung if proven guilty of corruption after a second consecutive witness in the trial of Muhammad Nazaruddin accused Anas of wrongdoing. “I give two thumbs up to Pak Anas", said Sutan, adding the statement was a blow to Anas's critics, "who constantly hound him with graft allegations".

Kompas - March 17, 2012

March 14, 2012

Hung at Monas

Woman: Why did he ask that it be at Monas?

Man: Because he's a senior official (pe-tinggi, lit someone high up)

Responding to news Friday that the KPK would summon him for questioning over a project in Bogor, Democratic Party chairperson Anas Urbaningrum said he would hang himself from the National Monument (Monas) if he'd received any kickbacks. “If there was even one rupiah that Anas received from Hambalang, then just hang Anas at Monas”, he said, insisting the accusations are just “rumors without evidence and totally rubbish”.

Kompas - March 14, 2012

March 10, 2012


Legislator: It is forbidden to be corrupt, accept bribes, broker projects, play truant, wear mini-skirts!

The House of Representatives – consistently rated as one of the most corrupt institutions in the country with male legislators routinely accused of sexual harassment – triggered a storm of protest from women activists last week for issuing a regulation banning female staff from wearing revealing attire, saying the measure was taken to prevent "immoral conduct".

Kompas - March 10, 2012

March 3, 2012

Is there hope aside from God...

Man: Is there still hope for this republic of complete indifference, aside from God...

Kid: There is Dad!

As the government braces for massive street protests against planned fuel price hikes in April, a recent poll found that that 86.6% of respondents opposed the plan, which will see higher prices across the board and according to the government's own estimates, will plunge 12.8% of the country's population below the poverty line.

Kompas - March 3, 2012