January 28, 2012

People's representative

Man: Deputy regents (wakil bupati – regent's representative) want to be regents! Deputy governors (wakil gubernur – governor's representative) want to be governors! So Mr representative of the people (wakil rakyat) why don't you want to be one of the people!

According to the Home Ministry, 93.5% of 244 pairs of regional heads split up before their tenure ended in 2010-2011. Aside from disappointing voters who elect leadership teams to serve a 5-year term as mandated by law, it often ends in bitter rivalries when former deputies vie for the top job in subsequent elections.

Kompas - January 28, 2012

January 25, 2012

Wasting money

Trolley reads: Infrastructure and Public Utilities Budget

The House has been lambasted for wasting taxpayers' money as it pushes ahead with controversial and graft ridden infrastructure projects and facility upgrades this year. In addition a 20.3 billion rupiah (US$2.26 million) meeting room renovation, other upgrades include a 3 billion parking lot renovation, a 2 billion toilet refurbishment, 1.59 billion for fragrance devices, 1.3 billion for calendars, 4.8 billion for large LED TVs and a 3.7 billion fingerprint scanning machine.

Kompas - January 25, 2012

January 21, 2012

The predatory republic?

Man: The predatory republic?

Headline reads: Agrarian Law. Roll reads: Land Management.

Against the backdrop of violent land disputes in Lampung, South Sumatra and Bima, thousands rallied outside the State Palace last week in another push for long-awaited agrarian reform. Land disputes, often resulting in clashes between communities and security forces employed by mining and plantation companies, are expected to increase this year with the enactment of the pro-business land acquisition law.

Kompas - January 21, 2012

January 18, 2012

Big chiefs

1st Man: That's the big boss, the chief and the big chief's share

2nd Man: While our share's a flood alert right (apel = alert or apple)

With Jakarta on alert for major floods, the trial of former Democratic Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin took a new twist with a key witness exposing the role of powerful ruling party figures identifying party chair Anas Urbaningrum as the "big boss" and House Budget Committee deputy Mirwan Amir as the "big chief". Earlier testimonies revealed that coconspirators used codes including “Washington Apples” for US dollars and “Malang Apples” for rupiah.

Kompas - January 18, 2012

January 14, 2012

Sandal justice

A 17-year-old boy at the center of a legal and public relations storm was found guilty on Wednesday of stealing a pair of sandals from a police officer and released into the custody of his parents. The case has triggered a wave of public indignation and protest over the conviction of minors for petty crimes with people across the country donating sandals to be sent the national police chief as part of a campaign to shame police over the trial.

Kompas - January 14, 2012

January 11, 2012


Arm band reads: Corruptor

The arrest of a juvenile who stole a pair of cheap sandals is only the latest in a series of cases where police have locked up children for petty crimes while rampant official corruption and theft of millions in public funds is often punished with just a slap on the wrist.

Kompas - January 11, 2012

January 7, 2012

Oh God...

Oh God... I just pray for retirement... because my job in this country has been taken over by government officials!

Kompas - January 7, 2012

January 4, 2012


Man: Optimistic?

Flood waters read: Corruption, mafia, violence...

Kompas - January 4, 2012