September 28, 2011

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity – enshrined in Indonesia's coat-of-arms

Instead of addressing one of the root causes of religious violence – his government's tacit support for radical Islamic groups – President Yudhoyono is shamelessly using Sunday's deadly suicide bomb attack on a church in Solo to lobby for the passage of controversial amendments to the anti-terrorism act that critics say hearken back to the days of former General Suharto's authoritarian rule.

Kompas - September 28, 2011

September 24, 2011

I'm a thief cos he's a thief

I'm a thief cos he's a thief too...

Newspaper headline reads: Banggar, cabinet reshuffle.

Offended at 4 of its members being questioning by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) over allegations of budget irregularities, the House of Representatives Budget Committee (Banggar) said it would refuse to answer a summons from the KPK and has 'boycotted' deliberation of the 2012 state budget arguing the KPK no authority to meddle in its affairs.

Kompas - September 24, 2011

September 21, 2011

How come nothing's being done?

1st Man: How come nothing's being done?

2nd Man: It's just like everything else in the country yeah...

Exhaust reads: Holdups, rapes, pickpockets, illegal road fees, traffic violations...

Feminists have reacted angrily to comments by Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo who told women to avoid rape by not wearing "provocative" clothing. The remark was made in the wake of two recent gang rape cases involving women on public transportation.

Kompas - September 21, 2011

September 17, 2011

Cleptocractic republic

Man: Cleptocractic republic? No way! I stand at the forefront of eradicating corruption! There will be no favoritism (lit no matter what 'feathers' you have')! There will be no remissions for corruptors!

Kid: It depends Mr! On what feathers... and whose feathers!

Lawmakers – many of whom have colleagues eligible for parole – reacted angrily to a Justice Ministry decision to tighten sentence remission requirements following a public outcry over generous remissions granted to politically connected corruption convicts.

Kompas - September 17, 2011

September 14, 2011

Don't get sleepy

Woman: Watch out Mr! Don't get sleepy!

Man: Isn't it the same everywhere if you sit in "chairs" with air-conditioning, you always get sleepy, right Mrs...

In an irony not lost on the public, legislators, frequently caught on film nodding off during plenary sessions, are blaming underpaid and overworked public transport drivers for a spate of fatal road accidents in which drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Kompas - September 14, 2011

September 11, 2011


President Yudhoyono has received a new blow amid his own declining popularity, with the results of an Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) survey showing a sharp drop in public approval of his cabinet, dropping from 52.3% in January 2010, and then 46.5% in September 2010, to 37.7% this month. According to the LSI, the prime factor for this was recent reports on corruption cases allegedly involving officials from several ministries.

Kompas - September 11, 2011

September 10, 2011

You're the chicken thief!

Man (holding forged document): You're the chicken thief!

In a bazaar twist of justice that is becoming all too common in Indonesia, former Constitutional Court clerk Zainal Arifin Hoesein has been named a suspect after reporting a court document forgery case to police. Meanwhile the alleged masterminds in the case – Hanura Party politician Dewi Yasin Limpoand and former General Election Commission commissioner and Democratic Party executive Andi Nurpati – remain untouched.

Kompas - September 10, 2011

September 7, 2011

Until next time image building

Until next time image building...

Sign reads: For the 633 victims of Mudik (holiday road accidents).

Having exploited the holy fasting month to project an image of modesty and moderation, the political elite can now return to their corruption-funded lives of luxury and affluence. This will not be so for the 633 who died during the Idul Fitri holiday exodus, many of whom were forced to travel long distances by motorbike on dangerous and poorly maintained roads due to the lack of safe and affordable public transport.

Kompas - September 7, 2011

September 3, 2011

Please forgive my wrongdoings

Kid: Please forgive my physical and emotional wrongdoings (a traditional Idul Fitri greeting) and for all my crimes of corruption...

Man: The same to you...

While the political elite like to make a big show of observing the rituals of the Idul Fitri celebrations at the end of the holy fasting month, it is little more than an exercise in polishing their public image as they prepare to get on with what they do best – robbing the country blind.

Kompas - September 3, 2011