April 27, 2011

Mens sana in corpore sano

A sound mind in a corrupt body – a play on the famous Latin quotation mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a healthy body).

T-shirt reads: Preparations for the 26th Southeast Asian Games

Critics have stepped up their attacks on the controversial legislative building project after reports linking a graft suspect to a private company bidding on the project. The same company has been implicated in markups involving the constructing the SEA Games athletes' village in Palembang, South Sumatra.

Kompas - April 27, 2011

April 16, 2011

Government lies

Leaves read: Bank Century scandal, corruption, new parliamentary building, human rights, XYZ mafia.

Seemingly unable to shake off the 'liar' label, a group of religious leaders who sparked an angry backlash from senior cabinet ministers when it accused the Yudhoyono administration of lying to the Indonesian people and failing to carry out its mandate, has announced it will open centres around the country to receive public reports on government lies.

Kompas - April 16, 2011

April 13, 2011

How come they're taking so long

1st Man: How come they're taking so long to deal with it?

2nd Man: Perhaps they only just found out!

The hijacking of the Indonesian-flagged cargo ship Sinar Kudus has again highlighted the government's indecisiveness and agonisingly slow decision making process. Preoccupied with political squabbles over the ruling-coalition, electoral threshold and sex scandals, it took three cabinet meetings almost a week to decide what course of action to pursue.

Kompas - April 13, 2011

April 6, 2011

A debt collector!

1st Man: What are you, a thug, a terrorist, a loan shark, or a cop?

2nd Man: A debt collector!

The alleged beating to death of a politician, purportedly at the hands of Citibank debt collectors, has sparked a debate on whether the use of outsourced debt collectors – sometimes procured from the military or police who often employ violent and brutal tactics – is legal and ethical.

Kompas - April 6, 2011

April 2, 2011

Our nation is rich...

Man: A new and luxurious building, which we do indeed need to show that... our nation is rich... our people are affluent and prosperous!

Responding to mounting public protests against plans to construct a lavish new parliamentary building, Golkar Party legislator Nudirman Munir said that the House of Representatives should not be compared to people who live in shabby shanties and that he was "embarrassed" when he had to show is office to visiting guests.

Kompas - April 2, 2011