December 31, 2011

The year of lies!

Kid: The year of lies!

For most Indonesians, 2011 will be remembered as the year of lies and broken promises, with President Yudhoyono's (pictured left) government not only failing to make headway in any of its stated policy objectives, but loosing ground on almost every front, whether it be the fight against corruption, bureaucratic reform, the judicial mafia, human rights, religious tolerance, law enforcement, poverty alleviation, the environmental or social justice. Few expect 2012 to be any better.

Kompas - December 31, 2011

December 24, 2011

Palm oil rights!

Skull with gun: Palm oil rights!

Body: Human rights

With 11.5 million hectares of palm oil plantations throughout Indonesia and licenses pending on another 28.9 million hectares, environmental groups predict that disputes will intensify. In 2011 alone there were 664 unresolved land disputes involving palm oil companies, many resulting in the fatal shooting of local people defending their land against police and military employed by companies for security.

Kompas - December 24 2011

December 21, 2011

Traditional land rights

Traditional land rights

Shocking reports have emerged of mass killings in Lampung after dozens of farmers from Mesuji met with lawmakers on Wednesday and alleged that 30 farmers had been murdered between 2009 and 2011 as part of attempts by a plantation company to evict them from their traditional land.

Kompas December 21, 2011

December 14, 2011


Arm: Mastermind behind BI deputy governor bribery case

Speculation is rife over whether the capture of graft fugitive Nunun Nurbaetie (centre) will finally reveal who arranged for the election of Miranda Goeltom as a Central Bank (BI) deputy governor in 2012, and why. With 30 former lawmakers already convicted for accepting millions of dollars in bribes to elect Goeltom, allegedly from Nunun, powerful vested interests are working to ensure the case goes no further than Nunun.

Kompas - December 14, 2011

December 10, 2011

Raised eyebrows

More than a few eyebrows were raised when relatively unknown legal activist and lawyer Abraham Samad (pictured left) emerged as the country's new anti-graft czar on Friday. Garnering 43 of the 56 votes by the House of Representatives legal commission, Samad's selection prompted angry cries from anti-corruption activists who described the appointment as "completely political" and aimed at accommodating the interests of the political parties, not the public agenda of corruption eradication.

Kompas - December 10, 2011

December 7, 2011

High tides?

Man: High tides? Ahh, it'll be safe enough until [the] 2014 [elections]

After a week of tidal flooding in North Jakarta and years of ignoring warnings about the impact of clearing mangrove forests and land reclamation projects for luxury coastal housing estates, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo says he has short-term and long-term plans to deal with the problem. The short-term plan is to raise the height of seawalls, and the long term plan is to, well, sometime before 2014 build higher sea walls.

Kompas - December 7, 2011

December 3, 2011

Kartanegara bridge tragedy

Men: The Kartanegara bridge tragedy isn't my responsibility...

Rat: Who's responsible? Me! That's the way it is with projects!

An all too familiar blame game has erupted following the sudden collapse of the Kutai Kartanegara suspension bridge on Saturday, killing more than 20. While there's no official explain yet as to why the structure build only 10 years ago gave way, anti-graft activists say it's just another example of how quality materials are substituted with low-grade ones, a practice common in all of Indonesia's infrastructure projects.

Kompas - December 3, 2011

November 30, 2011

Social Assistance Funds

According to the Supreme Audit Agency there were irregularities of US$33 billion in Social Assistance Funds (Dana Bantuan Sosial) in 2007-2010. Allocated through poverty eradication programs for the regions, the funds are being diverted to finance local election campaigns with incumbent regional heads using the money to secure electoral support from political parties and buy votes with promises of government projects, donations and other 'social spending' activities.

Kompas - November 30, 2011

November 26, 2011

Don't be envious!

Man: Don't be envious! What's wrong with being rich, living in luxury, what's important is it's intended for the people!

Kid: Yeah but which people Mr? I'm one of the ordinary people, but you're certainly not!

Gaff-prone House Speaker Marzuki Alie has found himself back on the defensive over the extravagance of Indonesia's rich and elected. While acknowledging a small problem with lawmakers "hedonistic lifestyles", he said critics are being unfair. "We can't forbid people from becoming rich, we cannot. But if they enter the legislature, they should live like true representatives of the people".

Kompas - November 26, 2011

November 23, 2011

Family planning

Sign reads: Family planning (KB). Documents read: Jobs, healthcare

With the majority of Indonesia's 240 million people already struggling to obtain decent jobs, basic education and healthcare, experts warn that the annual birth rate of 4.5 million – equal to the population of Singapore – is unsustainable and unless the government acts quickly the population will reach 450 million by 2045. Currently less that 0.1% of the national budget is spent on family planning programs and many regional governments provide no funding at all.

Kompas - November 23, 2011

November 19, 2011

Fate of our sports champions?

Lizard: A reflection of the future fate of our sports champions?

As the SEA Games draw to a close amid accusations that Indonesia bent the rules to top the medal tally, the government also faces an estimated $5.5 million bill after it pledged cash bonuses for each medal winner. In advising athletes how to manage this new found wealth meanwhile, financial advisor Rhenald Kasali described the darker side of success, presenting stories of poor former athletes struggling by get by working as security officers, rickshaw drivers or street vendors.

Kompas - November 19, 2011

November 16, 2011

Waaeee, waaeooo...

Waaeee, waaeooo... we can do it.

The honor and respect afforded to star West Papuan athletes playing in Indonesian colours at this year's SEA Games stands in stark contrast to the economic marginalization, discrimination and poverty Papuans face in their own land – home to the giant Freeport gold and copper mine – which saw profits double to $1.4 billion in the 2nd quarter of 2011 alone but contributes a measly 1% of its revenue to local communities whose environment and livelihoods are being decimated by the mine's operations.

Kompas - November 16, 2011

November 15, 2011

Contract renegotiations

Lured no doubt by the thought of lucrative kickbacks and "brokerage frees", lawmakers are cynically exploiting widespread anger over ongoing human rights abuses by security forces guarding the giant Freeport Indonesia gold and copper mine in West Papua to call on the government to renegotiate its contract with the company.

Kompas - November 15, 2011

November 12, 2011

Image building?

Man (bottom left): Image building?

In a belated attempt to address widespread discontent with Indonesian rule, the government has established a Special Unit for the Acceleration of Development in Papua & West Papua (UP4B) with the stated aim of speeding up development and getting special autonomy (Otonomi Khusus) back on track. Papuans however have responded with understandable skepticism – given Jakarta's history of broken promises and lies – saying they've already rejected special autonomy and want a referendum on independence.

Kompas - November 12, 2011

November 11, 2011

Freeport Indonesia

The police have finally admitted what much of the country has long known, that they accept millions of dollars annually from Freeport Indonesia to provide security for its mining operation in West Papua. Calling the payments "lunch money" for local police personnel to "help them make ends meet", National Police chief General Timur Pradopo denied that the payments gave rise to a conflict of interest when police fired on striking Freeport workers last month killing one and critically wounding another.

Kompas - November 11, 2011

November 9, 2011

Corruption Courts

Gavel reads: Justice, Corruption Courts

The integrity of regional anti-corruption court judges has come into question after a rising number of defendants have been allowed to walk free. According to Indonesian Corruption Watch there have been 40 acquittals since the courts were established leading defense lawyers to adopt a new legal strategy of ensuring their clients are tried in regional courts rather than the anti-corruption court in Jakarta that has a nearly 100% record of successful prosecutions.

Kompas - November 9, 2011

October 29, 2011

Thief! Thief!

Man: Thief! Thief!

Responding to a damming new survey released this week showing that state corruption has worsened significantly under President Yudhoyono's watch, with 91% of Indonesians now saying corruption is widespread throughout the government, Yudhoyono has called for an all-out war against what he termed "state robbers".

Kompas - October 29, 2011

October 26, 2011

Bird of Paradise

Bars on cage with Bird of Paradise read: Injustice, corruption, poverty, violence, vested interests.

Calls for independence have intensified in West Papua since police and military forcefully dispersed the Third Papuan People's Congress in Jayapura on October 19 killing three and arresting hundreds more in what has been described as an unnecessary display of brutality and violence against a legitimate gathering of peaceful protesters.

Kompas - October 26, 2011

October 22, 2011

This isn't RBT

Man: This isn't RBT. Rencana Bangun Tidur!

Kid reading book titled Indonesian Acronyms: RBT: Ring Back Tone: Something that happens suddenly upon waking up.

In announcing his new cabinet lineup Tuesday – widely seen as designed to shore up internal political support rather than address real shortcomings in the cabinet's performance – President Yudhoyono insisted the changes were 'well planned, systematic and accountable', not 'RBT' or 'something he just came up with when he woke up one morning'.

Kompas - October 22, 2011

October 19, 2011

The motor's been enlarged

Man: The "motor" has been enlarged so it runs faster, yeah?

President Yudhoyono's much touted cabinet reshuffle ended up being little more than a power play with ministers widely criticised by the public or implicated in corruption scandals maintained or swapped around, the replacement three ministers with close aides and the addition of 19 "deputy ministers", also Yudhoyono loyalists, which critics say will make the new cabinet lineup even more cumbersome and unworkable than the previous one.

Kompas - October 19, 2011

October 12, 2011

SEA Games

♦ 1 year ago: How's the preparations for the SEA Games going? Everything's in order Sir...
♦ 5 months ago: How's it going with the Games? Safe n' sound sir...
♦ 1 month ago: How about the SEA Games? Everything's cool sir...
♦ Today: WHAT'S THE HELL'S GOING WITH THE SEA GAMES? Ahh, gimme a moment sir...

With just one month until the Southeast Asian Games open and organisers still struggling to finish on time, Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng (pictured on phone) – who pledged that all the venues would be ready by August – shrugged off criticisms over bureaucratic delays and expressed confidence in the preparations.

Kompas - October 12, 2011

October 8, 2011

The Titanic

As President Yudhoyono (holding woman with 'political parties' written on dress) begins short-listing the names of new ministers for his first cabinet reshuffle during his second term in office, political analysts warn that it is critical for the president to resist the political pressure or horse-trading that characterised his first cabinet lineup and appoint professionals with expertise and experience instead of party-affiliated figures.

Kompas - October 8, 2011

October 1, 2011

What you'd call a kindergarten

Man: As I once said: they're what you'd call a kindergarten, some like to be bribed, some like to quarrel, others like to get angry!

In the mist of a dispute between the Corruption Eradication Commission and the House of Representatives' budget committee (Banggar) over lawmakers' refusal to cooperate with an investigation into alleged budget irregularities, the results of a survey on Sunday showing that only 23% of respondents still trusted politicians was not really news at all.

Kompas - October 1, 2011

September 28, 2011

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity – enshrined in Indonesia's coat-of-arms

Instead of addressing one of the root causes of religious violence – his government's tacit support for radical Islamic groups – President Yudhoyono is shamelessly using Sunday's deadly suicide bomb attack on a church in Solo to lobby for the passage of controversial amendments to the anti-terrorism act that critics say hearken back to the days of former General Suharto's authoritarian rule.

Kompas - September 28, 2011

September 24, 2011

I'm a thief cos he's a thief

I'm a thief cos he's a thief too...

Newspaper headline reads: Banggar, cabinet reshuffle.

Offended at 4 of its members being questioning by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) over allegations of budget irregularities, the House of Representatives Budget Committee (Banggar) said it would refuse to answer a summons from the KPK and has 'boycotted' deliberation of the 2012 state budget arguing the KPK no authority to meddle in its affairs.

Kompas - September 24, 2011

September 21, 2011

How come nothing's being done?

1st Man: How come nothing's being done?

2nd Man: It's just like everything else in the country yeah...

Exhaust reads: Holdups, rapes, pickpockets, illegal road fees, traffic violations...

Feminists have reacted angrily to comments by Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo who told women to avoid rape by not wearing "provocative" clothing. The remark was made in the wake of two recent gang rape cases involving women on public transportation.

Kompas - September 21, 2011

September 17, 2011

Cleptocractic republic

Man: Cleptocractic republic? No way! I stand at the forefront of eradicating corruption! There will be no favoritism (lit no matter what 'feathers' you have')! There will be no remissions for corruptors!

Kid: It depends Mr! On what feathers... and whose feathers!

Lawmakers – many of whom have colleagues eligible for parole – reacted angrily to a Justice Ministry decision to tighten sentence remission requirements following a public outcry over generous remissions granted to politically connected corruption convicts.

Kompas - September 17, 2011

September 14, 2011

Don't get sleepy

Woman: Watch out Mr! Don't get sleepy!

Man: Isn't it the same everywhere if you sit in "chairs" with air-conditioning, you always get sleepy, right Mrs...

In an irony not lost on the public, legislators, frequently caught on film nodding off during plenary sessions, are blaming underpaid and overworked public transport drivers for a spate of fatal road accidents in which drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Kompas - September 14, 2011

September 11, 2011


President Yudhoyono has received a new blow amid his own declining popularity, with the results of an Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) survey showing a sharp drop in public approval of his cabinet, dropping from 52.3% in January 2010, and then 46.5% in September 2010, to 37.7% this month. According to the LSI, the prime factor for this was recent reports on corruption cases allegedly involving officials from several ministries.

Kompas - September 11, 2011

September 10, 2011

You're the chicken thief!

Man (holding forged document): You're the chicken thief!

In a bazaar twist of justice that is becoming all too common in Indonesia, former Constitutional Court clerk Zainal Arifin Hoesein has been named a suspect after reporting a court document forgery case to police. Meanwhile the alleged masterminds in the case – Hanura Party politician Dewi Yasin Limpoand and former General Election Commission commissioner and Democratic Party executive Andi Nurpati – remain untouched.

Kompas - September 10, 2011

September 7, 2011

Until next time image building

Until next time image building...

Sign reads: For the 633 victims of Mudik (holiday road accidents).

Having exploited the holy fasting month to project an image of modesty and moderation, the political elite can now return to their corruption-funded lives of luxury and affluence. This will not be so for the 633 who died during the Idul Fitri holiday exodus, many of whom were forced to travel long distances by motorbike on dangerous and poorly maintained roads due to the lack of safe and affordable public transport.

Kompas - September 7, 2011

September 3, 2011

Please forgive my wrongdoings

Kid: Please forgive my physical and emotional wrongdoings (a traditional Idul Fitri greeting) and for all my crimes of corruption...

Man: The same to you...

While the political elite like to make a big show of observing the rituals of the Idul Fitri celebrations at the end of the holy fasting month, it is little more than an exercise in polishing their public image as they prepare to get on with what they do best – robbing the country blind.

Kompas - September 3, 2011

August 27, 2011


Man: Respected corruptors, judicial mafia, tax mafia, project mafia, budget mafia, election mafia, political (rat) mafia, Lying House of Representatives, bribery mafia, mafia XYZ... Let us welcome this great day and hope that our pious deeds will be accepted by God the Most Holy!

Kid (with picture of Muhammad Nazaruddin on T-shirt): Amen.

As Indonesia's poor prepare to welcome the holy fasting month – a time of spiritual reflection and abstinence – few expect anything but symbolic change on the part of their 'respected' public officials.

Kompas - August 27, 2011

August 24, 2011

He's already sent a letter

1st Man: Didn't he say he would be at the forefront of eradicating corruption?

2nd Man: He's already sent a letter right...

The Democratic Party is attempting to wash its hands of a potentially damaging corruption scandal surrounding former party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin (pictured centre) after President Yudhoyono refused to respond to a letter from Nazaruddin in which he promised not to disclose anything that could damage the party in exchange for protection for his family members.

Kompas - August 24, 2011

August 13, 2011

Cool... then I'm safe!

Man: He's been arrested? Cool... then I'm safe!

Kid: How come?

Man: Psst... previous whistle-blowers have also ended up having their whistle silenced.

There is widespread concern that now he has been arrested and safely returned home, the explosive accusations made by graft suspect and former party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin against senior Democratic Party officials will be muted or hushed up as has been the case in previous high-profile corruption scandals.

Kompas - August 13, 2011

August 10, 2011

Why are so many people nervous?

Man: Nazruddin's been arrested, so why are so many people are getting nervous?

While President Yudhoyono publically welcomed news of the arrest of fugitive graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin in Colombia on Monday, many senior Democratic Party figures are extremely nervous about what will come out about their own involvement in the high-profile corruption scandal surrounding the former party treasurer once he is returned home for questioning.

Kompas - August 10, 2011

August 6, 2011

Judged by what they say

Man: A person can also be judged by what they say!

Gaff-prone House Speaker Marzuki Alie – currently in the firing line for his call to disband the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the same time as his ruling Democratic Party has found itself at the center of a major corruption scandal – has lashed out at the media for twisting his statements saying the media put him on trial. "Whenever there's a difference of opinions. [My statements] should be discussed, not be judged", he said.

Kompas - August 6, 2011

August 3, 2011

Disband the KPK

Loudspeaker: Disband the KPK... Forgive corruptors...

1st Man: It's like they're not serious about eradicating corruption anymore?

2nd Man: Did you really think they were serious before?

Gaff-prone speaker of the House and senior Democratic Party politician Marzuki Alie has been roundly slammed for his call to disband the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and pardon corruption suspects if they return their ill-gotten loot.

Kompas - August 3, 2011

July 30, 2011

Image Building only Creates Deeper Disenchantment

From an op-ed piece in the Jakarta daily Kompas titled "Image Building only Creates Deeper Disenchantment".

Kompas - July 30, 2011

July 27, 2011

Prices shall go down

1st Man: Prices keep going up...

2nd Man: Prices shall go down

1st Man: What, just like that? Prices will go down?

2nd Man: I said so in a speech didn't I?

President Yudhoyono's leadership style has come to be characterised by a penchant for giving speeches and issuing presidential instructions on everything from fighting graft to violence against religious minorities, which are rarely acted on or simply ignored and forgotten.

Kompas - July 27, 2011

July 25, 2011

A warning for the leader

From an op-ed piece in the Jakarta daily Kompas titled "A warning for the leader".

Kompas - July 25, 2011

July 23, 2011

Lots of officials have faces like me!

Rhino: I'm no longer a rare animal... lots of officials have faces like me!

Unlike Indonesia's dwindling population of Java Rhinos – now down to an estimated 40 animals in the wild – the country's thick-skinned and insensitive government officials are far from a dying breed, who on the rare occasions when they get caught stealing from the public purse are always ready to shed a few tears or plead lenience on the grounds that everyone else is on the take.

Kompas - July 23, 2011

July 20, 2011

New institution or new leader?

1st Man: Do we need a new institution, or a new leader?

2nd Man: Like you don't know.

Chairs read: This council, that board, this commission, that task force, this commission...

There are now 88 presidentially formed non-structural state bodies, most of which are either ineffective or whose functions overlap with other state institutions, which in 2010 cost tax payers US$1.74 billion or 1.42% of the state budget, most of it paid on salaries.

Kompas - July 20, 2011

July 16, 2011


Tokek! To come home. Tokek! Or not come home. Tokek! To come home. Tokek! Or not come home. Tokek! To come home... Tok!

Kid: Maybe he'll keep it up until two thousand and fourteen (the 2014 elections) Mr.

Just as President Yudhoyono broke his silence on the Muhammad Nazaruddin corruption scandal, urging the rogue former Democratic Party treasurer to "come home", his plea was drowned out by a barrage of new accusations against a host of senior Democrat politicians.

Kompas - July 16, 2011

July 13, 2011

Where's the driver gone?

1st Man: How come it's not moving? Where's the driver gone?

2nd Man: He's busy sending SMSs and trying to find fuel.

1st Man: How long's it going to be like this huh?

2nd Man: Until the 2014 elections probably.

A slew of criticism has appeared in local headlines lambasting President Yudhoyono for wallowing in self pity and being more concerned about his image instead of getting on with his job – running the country.

Kompas - July 13, 2011

The godfather, ready...

Kid: Now. The godfather, ready... which one is it Dad?

Hats read: Judicial mafia, tax mafia, election mafia

Unlike the New Order regime when corruption was centred around the relatives and cronies of the "Godfather" Suharto, the reform era has seen corruption become more decentralised and the mushrooming of local mafia bosses in all levels of the government and bureaucracy.

Kompas - July 13, 2011

July 6, 2011

Say no to corruption!

Politician: Say no to corruption!

A 17-month jail term handed down to Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle politician Panda Nababan closed the first chapter in a high-profile, Rp 24 billion bribery scandal that has so far dragged down 28 active and former lawmakers. Nababan was the last of 28 to be convicted for accepting between Rp 350 million and Rp 1.4 billion each to appoint economist Miranda Goeltom to a senior post at the central bank in 2004.

Kompas - July 6, 2011

July 1, 2011


Iron ball reads: KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), poverty, violence, law enforcement...

While the Yudhoyono government champions the state ideology of Pancasila as a cure-all for the so-called "moral crisis" plaguing the country, critics say that at the same time it is systematically trampling on the most important principles enshrined by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution – democracy, equality, religious freedom and social justice.

Kompas - July 1, 2011

June 30, 2011

Hand clap survey

Kid: There's no need to get disheartened by screwed up surveys like this Mr, lots of people are still applauding you! How bout we just do a hand clap survey?

The Democratic Party has lashed out at a recent survey by the Indonesian Survey Circle showing a drop in President Yudhoyono's approval rating from 56.7% in January to 42.7%, claiming the poll was unfair, biased and aimed at undermining the government's credibility.

Kompas - June 30, 2011

June 25, 2011

Cleptocractic State

Kid: Because of poverty our housewives are willing to become slaves and be abused in other countries Dad!

Man: They're also abused by the Cleptocractic State of the Republic of Indonesia! (a play on the acronym NKRI – Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia)

The beheading of Ruyati binti Satubi in Saudi Arabia has again focused debate on the dearth of jobs at home, which force impoverished women such as Ruyati to seek menial jobs overseas where they suffer widespread abuse.

Kompas - June 25, 2011