August 28, 2010

Good behaviour and remissions

Kid: Mr, don't worry about the wealth report... there's a special going on letters certifying good behaviour... and remissions!

Generous presidential pardons and remissions granted to graft convicts who looted billions in taxpayers money, allowing them to walk free after serving only a portion of their already short prison terms, has strengthened Indonesia's status as a haven for corruption and eroded public trust in President Yudhoyono's commitment to combating graft.

Kompas - August 28, 2010

August 25, 2010

Wealth reports

Document on scale reads 'Wealth Report'

Anti-graft activists say that whether it's because of negligence or a malicious intent to hide something, it is unacceptable that more than 100 lawmakers have still not submitted their personal wealth reports to the Corruption Eradication Commission. The reports were due in December last year.

Kompas - August 25, 2010

August 22, 2010


Traffic cop: Mooooney... a play on the words duit (money) and peluit (whistle)

Man: Those kind of whistle-blowers, they've been around for ages Mr!

Allegations by former chief of detectives and whistle-blower Comr. Gen. Susno Duadji (right) of corruption among the highest ranks of the country's police force comes as no surprise to a public daily confronted by petty extortion at the hands of police.

Kompas - August 22, 2010

August 18, 2010


1st Man: Independence!

2nd Man: What's up?

Analysts and critics alike labeled yesterday's state-of-the-nation address by President Yudhoyono as flat, uninspiring and narcissistic, saying it was lacking in substance, vision and solutions needed to overcome the nation's pressing concerns such as corruption, stalled bureaucratic reform and the recent spate of religious violence.

Kompas - August 18, 2010

August 16, 2010

The fruits of independence

As the country gears up to commemorate its 65th anniversary tomorrow, many Indonesian's are still waiting for the fruits of independence.

Kompas - August 16, 2010

August 14, 2010


Despite making remarkable strides since the overthrow of the Suharto dictatorship 12 years ago, critics say that widespread corruption, poor law enforcement, a culture of impunity for rights abuses and the growing use of draconian libel laws to muzzle critics is undermining the gains won by the 1998 reformasi movement.

Kompas - August 14, 2010

August 11, 2010

Dividing up the spoils

While the political elite sell off the country's enormous natural wealth and divide the spoils among themselves, more than half of Indonesia's 240 million people live on less than US$2 a day, 25% of children under five are malnourished, only 48% of the rural poor have access to clean water and only 55% of poor children complete junior high school.

Kompas - August 11, 2010

The lust for corruption

Politician: Remember... during the holy fasting month we should control our passion and lust.

Man: Including the lust for corruption?

Politician: Let me get back to you on that one...

While the political elite make a big show of observing the rituals of the holy fasting month, it is little more than an exercise in polishing their public image and corruption, political horse-trading and the misuse of power continues unabated.

Kompas - August 11, 2010

August 7, 2010

Home to almost 10 million...

Home to almost 10 million people, 8 million motorcycles and 3 million cars, Jakarta is the only mega-city in the world without a mass rapid transport system, and it is now commonplace for people to spend four or more hours commuting to and from work each day.

Kompas - August 7, 2010

What's crooked, you or the building?

Kid: So what's crooked, you or the building?

Legislator: The camera.

Having abandoned its so-call 'aspiration fund' – widely slammed as little more than a pork barrel scheme to buy votes in the 2014 elections – the House is now proposing an annual allocation of US$42,000 for each member for 'aspiration houses' to fund the building and upkeep of lawmakers' offices in their districts.

Kompas - August 7, 2010

August 4, 2010

Transjakarta busway

Exhaust reads: Performance

Plagued by poor planning, mismanagement and corruption, after 6 years of service the privately run government subsidised Transjakarta busway system has totally failed to ease Jakarta's traffic problems. Initially aimed at providing a secure, comfortable and affordable alternative, passengers suffer long delays, overcrowded busses and pickpockets, with the dedicated lanes on most corridors taken over by private vehicles.

Kompas - August 4, 2010