June 30, 2010

His conscious is in there..

Man: His conscious is in there... (arm band reads candidate regional head)

With the cost of campaign spending for regional elections reaching into the millions of dollars, candidate regional heads see running for public office as financial investment rather than a chance to serve the public.

Kompas - June 30, 2010

June 26, 2010

Republic of Pornography

Man: As I've said, it's porno if it's done openly... if it's secret it's not porno!

Kid: So we live in the Republic of Pornography right Dad?

Bribery, illegal fees, corruption. Judicial mafia. Case brokers. Criminalisation. Letting corruptors run off, illegal logging, the Bank Century case, the fate of Lapindo victims, gas canister victims. An aspiration fund for who. Politics is the commander but the economy's stagnating... this and that... XYZ... blatantly, transparently!

Kompas - June 26, 2010

June 23, 2010

Happy birthday Jakarta

Busker: Have a long and glorious life... a long and glorious life...

Jakarta celebrated its 483rd anniversary with another day of floods and traffic jams across much of the city. Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo meanwhile – who like other government officials travels in chuffer driven luxury cars on roads cleared by a police escorts – called on Jakartans not to grumble but think about the positive things they can to contribute to the city's development.

Kompas - June 23, 2010

Justice and Prosperity Party

Ever the opportunist, at its national congress on June 16-20 the Islamic based Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) – known for its anti-US stance – announced it was seeking stronger links with the US to counter its exclusive image and broaden its political base. Political observers say that the move has more to do with the party's struggle to shed its image as a conservative religious party among an increasingly globally aware populace who are suspicious of such exclusiveness.

Kompas - June 23, 2010

June 19, 2010

Republic of Clowns League welcomes the world cup!

Kid: The Republic of Clowns League welcomes the world cup!

Justice Minister Patrialis Akbar jumped to the defense of his colleagues captured by the media nodding off at a State Palace briefing saying it was "only human" that the ministers and senior officials were sleepy having stayed up watching the World Cup final. The House meanwhile was forced to delay its first session after a month-long recess until enough lawmakers bothered to turn up to form a quorum.

Kompas - June 19, 2010

June 16, 2010

World Cup

Man: You haven't forgotten...

TV: South Africa 2010

Talk by government officials of Indonesia hosting the next World Cup has been dismissed as yet another pie in the sky fantasy given the country's ailing infrastructure, economic mismanagement and rampant corruption.

Kompas - June 16, 2010

June 12, 2010

Aspiration fund

Tongue reads Aspiration fund

Despite being slammed as little more than a pork barrel scheme to buy votes in the 2014 legislative and presidential elections, the Golkar Party is continuing to push the so-called aspiration fund in which each legislator would be given Rp15 billion for their constituencies, supposedly to aid regional development.

Kompas - June 12, 2010

June 9, 2010

It's looking more and more crooked

Man: It's looking more and more crooked yeah...? (Bag reads aspiration fund)

Having temporarily shelved plans to construct a lavish new office complex costing a whopping $200 million on the spurious grounds that the current parliament building is leaning at 7 degrees, legislators are now promoting a so-called aspiration fund to aid regional development. Critics say it is little more than a pork barrel scheme to buy votes.

Kompas - June 9, 2010

June 8, 2010

Deforestation moratorium

While environmental groups have welcomed a promised moratorium on deforestation as part of a deal with Norway to protect Indonesia's rain forests, they say the details remain vague and question whether it will have much impact unless it is extended to existing concessions.

Kompas - June 8, 2010

June 2, 2010

Birth of Pancasila

1st Man: Tomorrow we commemorate the birth of Pancasila, remember?

2nd Man: When will it be put into practice?...

Victims of the Lapindo mudflow disaster, which is now in its fourth year and has displaced more than 42,000 people, could be forgiven for wandering when the fifth principle espoused by the state ideology of Pancasila - social justice for all - will apply to them.

Kompas - June 2, 2010

June 1, 2010

Lapindo candidates

Despite the recent rift in the pro-government coalition and the continuing outcry over the Lapindo mudflow disaster, regional elections in Sidoarjo, East Java, have seen the Democrat and Golkar parties joining forces to back candidates from Lapindo Brantas Inc, the company widely blamed for the massive social and ecological disaster that has inundated more than 800 hectares and of land and displaced more than 42,000 people.

Kompas - June 1, 2010