January 27, 2010


What was supposed to be a key environmental speech from West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis in the increasingly deforested district of Kubu Raya, which is suffering from alarming levels of deforestation due to land conversion for palm oil plantations, turned to embarrassment when the occasion was repeatedly interrupted by trucks carrying freshly felled timber.

Kompas – January 27, 2010

January 23, 2010

This is the Year of the Tiger!

Fortune teller: In time all truths will come out. But no matter how bitter, it must be faced wisely. This is the Year of the Tiger!

2010 is shaping up to be another year of drama and controversy with most of the political scandals that dominated the close of last year yet to run their course.

Kompas – January 23, 2010

January 20, 2010

So who’s responsible?

1st Man: So who’s responsible?

2nd Man: Oh come on now, don’t play stupid...

Having set their sights on taking down Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and possibly Vice President Boediono, the House inquiry committee's final decision on who is responsible for the Bank Century bailout fiasco is not expected to hold many surprises.

Kompas – January 20, 2010

January 16, 2010

It’s been like this for years...

Kid: It’s been like this for years...

Revelations of what has been common knowledge for years – that rich inmates in Indonesia's prisons live in five-star hotel facilities provided by prison officials in return for bribes – seemed to surprise no one, with perhaps the one exception of Justice Minister Patrialis Akbar, who said he visited the Pondok Bambu jail last year and "didn't see anything".

Kompas – January 16, 2010

January 13, 2010

Rich inmates

Prisoner: If there's an inspection you'll deal with it right, I'll give you some more pocket money later ok?

Bottom cells: Chicken thief, pickpocket, clothing thief.

A surprise visit by the judicial mafia task force to Pondok Bambu prison found rich inmates enjoying special privileges including spas, air-conditioning and LCD TVs. Poor inmates convicted for minor offences meanwhile suffer overcrowding, inadequate food and daily beatings.

Kompas – January 13, 2010

January 9, 2010

Ubi est veritas?

Kid: It's daytime, why are you carrying a torch?

Man: Ubi est veritas? Where are you, in truth? (Socrates)

Critics say the recently formed judicial mafia task force is just another government showpiece and will do little to seriously tackle the rampant corruption that pervades the country's legal institutions, which for most Indonesians is as clear as day.

Kompas – January 9, 2010

January 6, 2010

Official cars

1st Man: Wow, our state officials are getting even more amazing.

2nd Man: What? Their performance? Closeness to the people? Or their social sensitivity?

1st Man: No, their new official cars!

Public outcry greeted plans to upgrade the government’s official fleet with Toyota Crown Royal Saloons valued at US$138,000 each, with healthcare workers saying the cost of just one car would be sufficient to provide coverage for 21,667 people a year.

Kompas – January 6, 2010

January 3, 2010

It's only the first 100 days

Man: Ahh, it's only the first 100 days.

Kid: But that's going to be the basis for the next five years Dad.

President Yudhoyono set out an ambitious agenda for his first 100 days, vowing to eradicate corruption, reform the economy and combat terrorism. Critics say he has done little other than draft policy blueprints and fend off criticism over a series of embarrassing scandals.

Kompas – January 3, 2010

January 2, 2010

Why sweat it?

Indonesia's fourth president Abdurrahman 'Gus Dur' Wahid died at the age of 69 on December 30. Widely respected for his commitment to religious tolerance and pluralism, he was known for his way with words and his love of jokes. He often used the offhand remark 'Why sweat it?' (Gitu aja kok repot?) to dismiss issues he considered unimportant.

Kompas – January 2, 2010