November 28, 2009

No winners or loosers

Kid: So in the end there were no winners or losers right Dad! So was it for the sake of justice? For stability? For what? For who? Was it for the people? For...?

Man: It was for, for, for the sake of... Kid: ...nothing at all!!

Analysis say a speech by President Yudhoyono expected to provide a concrete resolution to the crocodile (police) vs gecko (KPK) scandal did nothing but confuse the pubic and arouse more curiosity about his commitment to fight corruption.

Kompas – November 28, 2009

November 24, 2009

Legal maze

While the rich and powerful trample over the legal system with impunity, the poor and those seeking redress for injustice, domestic violence and human rights abuses face a maze of corruption, legal discrimination and bureaucratic hurdles.

Kompas – November 24, 2009

November 21, 2009

You need to change the water Mr

Man: If you want to get it clean, you’ve got to change the water Mr.

Bucket reads: Law & Judiciary

Despite public trust in the country's law enforcement institutions being at an all time low, President Yudhoyono (left) is resisting calls (and the recommendations of his own fact-finding team) for sweeping reforms to the AGO and police including the sacking of all senior officials implicated in the crocodile vs the gecko conspiracy.

Kompas – November 21, 2009

November 18, 2009

Don't take too long about it Mr

Man: Don't take too long about it Mr...

Anti-corruption activists warn that if President Yudhoyono (left) fails to act on the recommendations of the Team of 8 – which he himself formed to get to the bottom of the crocodile vs gecko scandal – it could ignite public anger towards the police and AGO and even raise questions about the President's involvement in the affair.

Kompas – November 18, 2009

November 14, 2009


Man: Of course a crocodile would win a fight against a gecko.

Kid: Right Dad. Especially if it's helped by a komodo dragon, a dinosaur, and... Godzilla!

With public outrage growing over the crocodile (police) vs gecko (KPK) saga, many were quick to seize on a boast by Attorney General Hendarman Supandji that if the police and the AGO teamed up to handle the Bank Century bailout scandal, then the alliance would be like Godzilla.

Kompas – November 14, 2009

November 11, 2009

Do we still have any champions?

Student: In times such as this Sir, do you really think we still have any champions? Now our corruptors, they have lots!

Amid mounting public anger over a plot by police and the AGO to frame two Corruption Eradication Commission deputies, a televised hearing on November 5 with police chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri and disgraced chief detective Susno Duadji saw lawmakers lavish praise on the police's handling of the case.

Kompas – November 11, 2009

November 7, 2009

Corruptor Defenders Conspiracy!

Man: Wow. There’s another KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission): The Corruptor Defenders Conspiracy!

Anti-corruption activists say recent revelations of a plot to frame two KPK deputies is only part of a much larger and more systematic campaign by high-ranking government officials, legislators and politically connected businesspeople to undermine the country's fight against corruption.

Kompas – November 7, 2009

November 4, 2009

Justice can be bought and sold

The November 3 live broadcast of a voice recording by the Constitutional Court in which business tycoon Anggodo Widjojo (pictured top right) is heard plotting with officials from the police and the Attorney General’s Office to frame two Corruption Eradication Commission deputies, only confirmed what most Indonesian's already knew – that justice can be bought and sold by the rich and powerful.

Kompas – November 4, 2009