August 29, 2009

Forget about it dad...

Kid: Forget about it dad... of course our neighboring country likes to import our cultural arts and export the art of terrorism! (referring to Malaysian terrorist fugitive Noordin M. Top)

A wave of nationalism and chauvinism over Malaysia’s alleged theft of Indonesia’s cultural arts is being drummed up by both governments (and the media) to distract attention from their own problems at home.

Kompas – August 29, 2009

August 26, 2009

It’s with great effort that we plan

Farmer: It’s with great effort that we plant, why is the response always imports?

Instead of addressing declining agricultural output due to a failure to invest in infrastructure and the loss of arable land from environmental degradation and land conversion for housing and industry, the government invariably responds by proposing more food imports, which also means lucrative kickbacks for the officials involved.

Kompas – August 26, 2009

August 12, 2009

The drama of an assault on terrorist suspects...

1st Man: Wow, the drama of an assault on terrorist suspects... can now become a TV show.

2nd Man: When will it be able to show guidance as well?

Observers say that saturation coverage of terrorism, such as raid on a suspected terrorist hideout that was screened for 18 hours by one TV station, only helps terrorists creates fear and gain more support, and that the media should inform the public about terrorism instead of sensationalising it.

Kompas – August 12, 2009

August 5, 2009

Just wait for the next project!

The road's only just been built, how come it's damaged already?

Just wait for the next project!

How come such an overloaded truck is allowed on the road?

They were able to "shake hands" and make up.

Is it any wonder we're always trailing behind?

With the next cabinet looking set to be filled with political appointees, analysis warn it will be too large and cumbersome to function effectively.

Kompas – August 5, 2009

August 1, 2009

It's time to move on isn't it

Kid: It's time to move on isn't it... so how come you're moon walking backwards Mr?!

Document reads electoral role, placard reads national stability.

Continued legal challenges by the two loosing tickets in the July 8 presidential elections have been dismissed as opportunist manoeuvring in the lead up to the appointment of the next cabinet and the first sitting of the new parliament.

Kompas – August 1, 2009