May 30, 2009

The success team's job?

Clowns on TV: Neoliberalism! People's economics?

Man: The success team's job? To campaign for the candidates' respective programs... not...

Presidential hopefuls Megawati Sukarnoputri and Jusuf Kalla are engaging in a populist-nationalist campaign pitching themselves as supporting "people's economics" and against "neoliberalism". Critics counter that both embraced policies of privatisation, deregulation and trade liberalisation while in office.

Kompas – May 30, 2009

May 27, 2009

Good thing it’s not a plane

1st Man: We’ll just cheat a bit the spare parts... to minimise the budget you understand.

2nd Man: But isn’t that dangerous?

1st Man: At worst it might break down.

2nd Man: Good thing it’s not a plane.

While deregulation of the airline industry has made flying more affordable, poor safety standards, weak regulations and corruption has resulted in a string of fatal air disasters.

Kompas – May 27, 2009

May 20, 2009

When promises are broken...

Yudhoyono-Boediono: Working hard for the people...

Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto: The faster the better in the people’s interest...

Megawati-Prabowo: Building the people’s economy...

Buskers: I don’t want to suffer again when promises are broken... (from Orchestra of the Embittered by popular rock band Slank)

Kompas – May 20, 2009

May 13, 2009

Wanted: ‘Driver’ with vision

Baggage on overloaded bus: Corruption, human rights, debt, unemployment, collusion. Number plate reads presidential elections.

Wanted: ‘Driver’ with vision. Not just knowing how to build coalitions!

As the political elite scramble to form workable coalitions to contest the July 5 presidential elections, conspicuously absent is any discussion about how they intend to address the real problems facing the nation.

Kompas – May 13, 2009

May 6, 2009

Be careful if you hit it...

1st Man: Be careful if you hit it...

2nd Man: Careful, why?

1st Man: In case the ball goes astray...

Amid mounting accusations of fraud by the loosing parties in the April 9 legislative elections, critics have dismissed the claims as sour grapes noting that all the parties committed poll violations of one kind or another.

Kompas – May 6, 2009

May 2, 2009

The viruses have formed a coalition too

Kid: The viruses have formed a coalition too Dad!

Man: Stay calm, don't panic!

Sign reads Presidential Elections.

Moves by Golkar, Gerindra and PDI-P to reach a coalition agreement aimed at strengthening their positions in the legislature have only reinforced the popular view that there are little or no differences between any of the political parties.

Kompas - May 2, 2009