April 29, 2009

The virus of corruption!

1st Man: Is it really true there's a virus that's more dangerous than swine flu?

2nd Man: The virus of corruption!

According to Indonesia Corruption Watch the health sector is "highly vulnerable" to fraudulent practices, with state losses from the 49 cases currently under investigation totaling some US$10.24 million.

Kompas – April 29, 2009

April 28, 2009

Money politics takes its toll

Kid: It's not that he's suffering from withdrawal symptoms cos of being ensnared in a narcotics network... but more because...

Mental hospitals around the country are reporting a sharp increase in stress related admissions among legislative candidates as money politics, financial problems and dirty campaigning begin to take their toll.

Kompas – March 28, 2009

April 25, 2009

We're still learning about democracy...

Man: We're still learning about democracy... so don't get violent protesting the elections! ...it's like the national exams!

Kid: But when will we graduate Dad, if we never get to study...

Citing rampant vote-rigging, 19 of the 24 parties contesting the April 9 elections rejected the results and called for new elections. Analysts slammed the move saying it was motivated by short-term political gains.

Kompas – April 25, 2009

April 18, 2009

But it’s only a promise...

1st man: Lots of jobs, cheap commodities, cheap schooling, cheap hospital treatment...

2nd man: Yes!

1st man: But it’s only a promise...

Such is the level of distrust that unless legislative candidates hand out cash (or present musical entertainment) at rallies, few voters will even bother stay and listen to what they have to say.

Kompas – March 18, 2009

April 15, 2009

Eventually I'll go crazy...

Patient: Eventually I'll go crazy...

Picture on bag: Legislative candidate 2009

Many legislative hopefuls are beginning to sniff the stench of failure and are responding with hostility and even mental problems. In anticipation, on April 8 the health minister ordered the nation's 32 mental hospitals to put their doctors on alert prior to the election results being made public.

Kompas – April 15, 2009

April 11, 2009

After the successful "general elections"

After the successful "general elections"...!

Kid: I await your promises... imagined night and day...

While few of Jakarta's thousands of street beggars expect a better life under the new crop of legislators elected on April 9, even if they had been bothered to vote, most would have been ineligible or too poor to obtain the necessary documentation to register.

Kompas – April 11, 2009

April 8, 2009

And for my future too

1st man: We want elections that are peaceful, honest and fair. For the sake of democracy...

2nd man: For all our futures...

Legislative Candidate (with pockets bulging with money): And for my future too.

Kompas – April 8, 2009

April 4, 2009

So were's your conscience Mr?

Man: Why be confused? Just vote according to your conscience... (badge reads legislative candidate)

Kid: So were's your conscience Mr?

Man: In... the... p... pawn shop

Anti-corruption activists warn that if elected, legislative candidates will use their positions not to serve the people, but to recoup the massive financial costs of their election campaigns.

Kompas – April 4, 2009

April 1, 2009

Aren’t you going wait till it bursts first?

1st man: From here we can learn about other dams...

2nd man: Aren’t you going wait till it bursts first?

On March 27 more than 100 died after the 70-year-old Situ Gintung dam burst. In 2007 residents reported cracks in the wall and asked the public works agency to take action – their pleas went unanswered. Environmental activists say at least six other dams in Jakarta are in urgent need of repair.

Kompas – April 1, 2009