December 26, 2009

Real reality shows!

Kid: 2009 has been full of reality shows, corruption, bribery, debtors fleeing the country, evictions, communities clashing with police, student brawls, the gecko vs crocodile scandal, the Bank Century inquiry, it's been exhausting Dad!

Man: Let us hope for peace on earth and in 2010 and that they'll be lots of real reality shows!

Kompas – December 26, 2009

December 23, 2009


The House of Representatives – consistently rated as one of the most corrupt institutions in the country – is seeking to strip the Corruption Eradication Commission of its wiretapping powers, which anti-corruption activists say is an essential tool in its fight against corruption.

Kompas – December 23, 2009

December 19, 2009

A coin can carry more weight

Kid: It turns out that a coin can carry more weight, right Dad?

Scales read: Justice/Law.

The conviction of housewife Prita Mulyasari under the draconian Electronic Information & Transaction Law sparked outrage and a massive public campaign to help her pay off a US$21,400 fine, which collected several times that amount mostly in coins donated by ordinary people across the country, including the poor and children who broke their piggy banks.

Kompas – December 19, 2009

December 16, 2009

Right and wrong

Man: You'll be exonerating those who are right and blaming those who are wrong, right Mr?

Where what was right yesterday can be wrong today, depending on the political circumstances, analysts say that the House's special committee inquiry into the Bank Century bailout is more a case of finding "political truths" and bolstering their public image that serving the public's interest in transparency and accountability in the bailout decision.

Kompas – December 16, 2009

December 9, 2009

Corruption's taking a holiday

Protester: Hey Mr, corruption's taking a holiday today... come on, you wanna join the demos?

In the face of widespread condemnation over his claims that planned World Anti-Corruption Day rallies were designed to overthrow his administration, in a speech the day before the December 9 protests President Yudhoyono did a sudden about face declaring he would launch a "jihad" against corruption and called on the public to support the demonstrations.

Kompas – December 9, 2009

December 5, 2009

Political negotiations?

...Political negotiations? Will it be a win-win solution or just be put on ice like other inquiries?

Many believe that the house’s Bank Century bailout inquiry will be hijacked by political interests and eventually die down like the Pertamina oil tanker and fuel price hike inquiries before them. Others say that parties such as Golkar and PDI-P won’t be able resist using it to bargain for more cabinet posts or end legal problems surrounding their lawmakers.

Kompas – December 5, 2009

December 2, 2009

Someone's defiantly playing with fire

Man: Someone's defiantly playing with fire.

Analysis say that the House of Representatives' Bank Century inquiry is rapidly turning into a fight within the political elite in which the originally stated goal of uncovering the truth behind the bailout decision is being sidelined by competing political interests.

Kompas – December 2, 2009

November 28, 2009

No winners or loosers

Kid: So in the end there were no winners or losers right Dad! So was it for the sake of justice? For stability? For what? For who? Was it for the people? For...?

Man: It was for, for, for the sake of... Kid: ...nothing at all!!

Analysis say a speech by President Yudhoyono expected to provide a concrete resolution to the crocodile (police) vs gecko (KPK) scandal did nothing but confuse the pubic and arouse more curiosity about his commitment to fight corruption.

Kompas – November 28, 2009

November 24, 2009

Legal maze

While the rich and powerful trample over the legal system with impunity, the poor and those seeking redress for injustice, domestic violence and human rights abuses face a maze of corruption, legal discrimination and bureaucratic hurdles.

Kompas – November 24, 2009

November 21, 2009

You need to change the water Mr

Man: If you want to get it clean, you’ve got to change the water Mr.

Bucket reads: Law & Judiciary

Despite public trust in the country's law enforcement institutions being at an all time low, President Yudhoyono (left) is resisting calls (and the recommendations of his own fact-finding team) for sweeping reforms to the AGO and police including the sacking of all senior officials implicated in the crocodile vs the gecko conspiracy.

Kompas – November 21, 2009

November 18, 2009

Don't take too long about it Mr

Man: Don't take too long about it Mr...

Anti-corruption activists warn that if President Yudhoyono (left) fails to act on the recommendations of the Team of 8 – which he himself formed to get to the bottom of the crocodile vs gecko scandal – it could ignite public anger towards the police and AGO and even raise questions about the President's involvement in the affair.

Kompas – November 18, 2009

November 14, 2009


Man: Of course a crocodile would win a fight against a gecko.

Kid: Right Dad. Especially if it's helped by a komodo dragon, a dinosaur, and... Godzilla!

With public outrage growing over the crocodile (police) vs gecko (KPK) saga, many were quick to seize on a boast by Attorney General Hendarman Supandji that if the police and the AGO teamed up to handle the Bank Century bailout scandal, then the alliance would be like Godzilla.

Kompas – November 14, 2009

November 11, 2009

Do we still have any champions?

Student: In times such as this Sir, do you really think we still have any champions? Now our corruptors, they have lots!

Amid mounting public anger over a plot by police and the AGO to frame two Corruption Eradication Commission deputies, a televised hearing on November 5 with police chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri and disgraced chief detective Susno Duadji saw lawmakers lavish praise on the police's handling of the case.

Kompas – November 11, 2009

November 7, 2009

Corruptor Defenders Conspiracy!

Man: Wow. There’s another KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission): The Corruptor Defenders Conspiracy!

Anti-corruption activists say recent revelations of a plot to frame two KPK deputies is only part of a much larger and more systematic campaign by high-ranking government officials, legislators and politically connected businesspeople to undermine the country's fight against corruption.

Kompas – November 7, 2009

November 4, 2009

Justice can be bought and sold

The November 3 live broadcast of a voice recording by the Constitutional Court in which business tycoon Anggodo Widjojo (pictured top right) is heard plotting with officials from the police and the Attorney General’s Office to frame two Corruption Eradication Commission deputies, only confirmed what most Indonesian's already knew – that justice can be bought and sold by the rich and powerful.

Kompas – November 4, 2009

October 31, 2009

Mr Minister Sir

Man: Mr Minister Sir, with your wage rise and all those facilities, can you still see us clearly from behind the tinted windows of your luxury car?!

Kompas – October 31, 2009

October 28, 2009

One pot, the pot of Indonesia

One pot, the pot of Indonesia – A play on the October 28, 1928 Youth Pledge: One state, one nation and one language – Indonesia.

Observers say that the Democrat Party-led majority parliamentary coalition was formed with no clear platform, is based on short-term and competing political interests, and unlikely to survive any serious test such as the political battle brewing over the Bank Century bailout investigation.

Kompas – October 28, 2009

October 24, 2009

New cabinet

Carpet reads: Corruption, poverty, judicial mafia, bribery, education, healthcare, unemployment, migrant workers, natural disasters, Lapindo, human rights, Bank Century.

Hopes that the next cabinet would be more streamlined and professional were dashed by the October 21 announcement of the new 34 member line up, with more than two-thirds being political appointees with little or no experience in their portfolios.

Kompas – October 24, 2009

October 21, 2009


Writing on crate: Bureaucratic reform, law enforcement, human rights, corruption

The new administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono face a myriad of economic, social and political problems, most of which is baggage left over from Yudhoyono's previous term.

Kompas – October 21, 2009

October 17, 2009

Prosperity test results

Women: Quiet. He's waiting for a call on the results of his prosperity test as minister for humor and jokes in the republic of dreams!

As prospective ministerial candidates anxiously await the results of their wealth reports, the political parties – having now forgotten earlier claims of massive electoral fraud – are tripping over each other trying to curry favour with President Yudhoyono in the hopes of being rewarded with much coveted cabinet seats.

Kompas – October 17, 2009

October 14, 2009

Health Law

Left: Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari holding Health Law.

Legislators' credibility was further dented when it was discovered that a clause in the newly enacted Health Law identifying tobacco as an addictive substance had mysteriously disappeared. NGO activists argue it was no accident saying tobacco companies had lobbied hard to have the section removed.

Kompas – October 14, 2009

October 10, 2009

I'm sure it's safe now Mr.

Man: I'm sure it's safe now Mr.

Former People's Welfare Minister and billionaire Aburizal Bakrie, (watering Banyan tree) who has pledged to lift the Golkar Party out of the electoral doldrums, reportedly shelled out around US$500 million to ensure his election as party chairman at Golkar's national congress in early October. Victims of the massive mud flow disaster in East Java caused by his company meanwhile are still waiting for compensation.

Kompas – October 10, 2009

October 7, 2009

Wait for the 2014 elections

1st man: How come no political party disaster relief coordination posts have appeared?

2nd man: Wait for the 2014 elections.

Thousands of families are still homeless in Padang, West Sumatra, two weeks after a 7.9-magnitude quake hit the province.

Kompas – October 7, 2009

October 3, 2009

We live in a hotel of a million stars!

Man: So they're staying in five star hotels? Don't be disheartened, we live in a hotel of a million stars!

Newspaper headline: Inauguration of 2009-2014 House of Representative members.

560 new legislators were sworn in on October 1 in a ceremony that cost some US$4.7 million, with a third of this going towards luxury hotel rooms, bus rentals, clothing and bags, plus $200 in pocket money for each legislator.

Kompas – October 3, 2009

September 30, 2009

Red-carpet treatment

Documents read: Law enforcement, human rights, eradicate corruption.

Background: House of Representatives building.

The new batch of legislators will literally be given the red-carpet treatment when they arrive for their official inauguration on October 1, which will reportedly cost the tax payers a whopping US$4.7 million.

Kompas – September 30, 2009

September 26, 2009

Regulation in lieu of law

Legislators: Regulation in lieu of law no, yes! Corruption Eradication Commission no, yes! no!

Man (bottom right): The last laugh.

Anti-graft activists have vowed to stop the House of Representatives – rated as one of the most corrupt institutions in the country – from passing the Corruption Court bill, saying lawmakers have altered it to undermine efforts to fight corruption.

Kompas – September 26, 2009

September 23, 2009

KPK, Perppu

Writing on dog: KPK, Perppu

Papers read: Bank Century case, Criminal Investigation Bureau

President Yudhoyono (left) is readying a regulation in lieu of law, or Perppu, to select replacements for three suspended officials from the country's anti-graft body (KPK). Anti-corruption activists have criticised the plan saying it threatens the impartiality and independence of the body.

Kompas – September 23, 2009

September 22, 2009

I forget lyrics again

Man: I forget, forget, forget the lyrics again... I just remember, remember, remember the title... (adapted from Forget Forget Remember by the Grave Band)

Amid the nationalism and chauvinism (including the “export” of terrorism”) being whipped up over Malaysia’s alleged theft of Indonesia’s cultural arts, a recent survey found that most people don’t even know the words to the national anthem.

Kompas – September 22, 2009

September 19, 2009

Don’t feign ignorance!

Arm bands: Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), National Police, AGO, House of Representatives.

Kid: Well, which one is corrupt?

Man: Ah come one, don’t feign ignorance!

As it becomes blatantly obvious the police’s trumped up charges against two KPK deputies are designed to weaken the institution and the fight against corruption, President Yudhoyono has been accused of hiding behind legal and constitutional arguments in defending and condoning the police’s actions.

Kompas – September 19, 2009

September 16, 2009

Farewell Jakarta

Farewell Jakarta... (for a while anyway)

This year's "mudik madness" saw 27 million people join the annual exodus from major cities and towns across the country to celebrate the Lebaran holidays marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Kompas – September 16, 2009

September 15, 2009

Today's special includes...

Waiter: Today's special includes terror omelette, terror pindang, fried egg terror, terror pancake, tofu terror, crusty eggs ala terror, drinks include sutemaja, honey and ginger milk terror...

Business savvy locals in Kepuhsari village in Solo, Central Java, have opened stalls selling "terrorist cuisine" to cater to a new tourist influx after terrorist Noordin M. Top and three others were killed during a police raid in the area.

Kompas – September 15, 2009

September 12, 2009

The election's over. Stupid!

Kid: Hey Mr, why isn't your political party setting up disaster relief coordination posts like before?

Man: What for? The election's over. Stupid!

With the election season over, tens of thousands of victims left homeless by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit West Java on September 3 are using discarded campaign banners to build tents.

Kompas – September 12, 2009

September 9, 2009

Falling again, checking again...

Falling again, checking again... Falling again, checking again... Falling? (adapted from the hit song Falling in Love Again by Playboy)

Following yet another in a string of military air disasters President Yudhoyono ordered an audit into the military's budget. Military observers however say budget increases will not address problems of poor maintenance and safety without greater transparency and accountability.

Kompas – September 9, 2009

September 5, 2009

Bylaw No. 8/2009

This is their melody, a nice song from Jakarta, I’m like this because sadly I have no choice...

Sign reads: Bylaw No. 8/2009

Having no other way to survive other than to continue working the streets, a new public order bylaw will leave Jakarta’s thousands of beggars, buskers and street vendors even more vulnerable to violent and corrupt law enforcement officials.

Kompas – September 5, 2009

September 2, 2009

What kind of new virus is this?

What kind of new virus is this?...

In an eerie repeat of the 1998 Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support Scheme fiasco, withdrawals of more than $540 million were made from Century Bank shortly after it was bailed out and put under the control of the Deposit Insurance Agency. It soon became clear that bank's owners and politically connected depositors had looted the bank, leaving behind a massive debt for the government to pick up.

Kompas – September 2, 2009

August 29, 2009

Forget about it dad...

Kid: Forget about it dad... of course our neighboring country likes to import our cultural arts and export the art of terrorism! (referring to Malaysian terrorist fugitive Noordin M. Top)

A wave of nationalism and chauvinism over Malaysia’s alleged theft of Indonesia’s cultural arts is being drummed up by both governments (and the media) to distract attention from their own problems at home.

Kompas – August 29, 2009

August 26, 2009

It’s with great effort that we plan

Farmer: It’s with great effort that we plant, why is the response always imports?

Instead of addressing declining agricultural output due to a failure to invest in infrastructure and the loss of arable land from environmental degradation and land conversion for housing and industry, the government invariably responds by proposing more food imports, which also means lucrative kickbacks for the officials involved.

Kompas – August 26, 2009

August 12, 2009

The drama of an assault on terrorist suspects...

1st Man: Wow, the drama of an assault on terrorist suspects... can now become a TV show.

2nd Man: When will it be able to show guidance as well?

Observers say that saturation coverage of terrorism, such as raid on a suspected terrorist hideout that was screened for 18 hours by one TV station, only helps terrorists creates fear and gain more support, and that the media should inform the public about terrorism instead of sensationalising it.

Kompas – August 12, 2009

August 5, 2009

Just wait for the next project!

The road's only just been built, how come it's damaged already?

Just wait for the next project!

How come such an overloaded truck is allowed on the road?

They were able to "shake hands" and make up.

Is it any wonder we're always trailing behind?

With the next cabinet looking set to be filled with political appointees, analysis warn it will be too large and cumbersome to function effectively.

Kompas – August 5, 2009

August 1, 2009

It's time to move on isn't it

Kid: It's time to move on isn't it... so how come you're moon walking backwards Mr?!

Document reads electoral role, placard reads national stability.

Continued legal challenges by the two loosing tickets in the July 8 presidential elections have been dismissed as opportunist manoeuvring in the lead up to the appointment of the next cabinet and the first sitting of the new parliament.

Kompas – August 1, 2009

July 29, 2009

Free schooling for all...

1st Man: Free schooling for all...

2nd Man: Free? Isn't it getting more expensive?

1st Man: What's free is the children, the parents still have to pay.

Despite recent education spending increases, the government concedes it will not mean free education for all as the largest component will be eaten up by teachers' salaries and welfare.

Kompas – July 29, 2009

July 25, 2009

Barbequed swine flu a la terrorism...

Waiter: Barbequed swine flu a la terrorism...

Kompas – July 25, 2009

July 22, 2009

Unite against terrorism!

1st Man: It's time for us to unite to fight against terrorism!

2nd Man: And not short-lived enthusiasm.

President Yudhoyono's euphoria following a landslide victory in the July 8 presidential election was rudely shattered by the July 17 Jakarta bombings. His veiled accusations that political rival Prabowo Subianto was behind the attacks was widely condemned as divisive and counterproductive.

Kompas – July 22, 2009

July 18, 2009

Another mud outflow in Sidoarjo

Kid: Dad! There been another mud outflow in Sidoarjo.

Man: Yeah I'm thinking bout it (Quick count, recapitulation, election commission, electoral roll)

So absorbed are the "nation's leaders" with squabbling over the preliminary presidential election results, even reports of a new mudflow threatening to add to the massive ecological and humanitarian disaster in East Java seem to pass unnoticed.

Kompas – July 18, 2009

July 15, 2009

Don't play with coins

1st Man: Don't play with coins, remember you could get punished!

2nd Man: It might be a good idea for the law to learn from the coin.

The Tangerang District Court sparked public outrage when it found 10 boys aged 12 to 16 guilty of "gambling" after they were arrested at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport for placing Rp1,000 (10c) bets on a coin-tossing game and shining shoes without a license.

Kompas – July 15, 2009

July 11, 2009


Man speaking to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (with quick count election results in pocket) and Boediono: Congratulations! We have big hopes in you. Hopefully we won't have to live in rubbish and breath mud anymore, and their won't be any more Siti Hajar's (an abused migrant worker) being humiliated by other countries...

Rat: And hopefully I will still be victorious... he he.

Kompas – July 11, 2009

July 8, 2009

Finally an ID can be used to vote

1st Man: Yes! Finally an ID can be used to vote. Now we won't loose our right to vote again...

2nd Man: But an ID's expensive...

Although many welcomed the July 6 Constitutional Court ruling allowing unregistered voters to cast a ballot if they produced valid identification, for the poor obtaining a supposedly free ID card can cost the equivalent of several weeks income.

Kompas – July 8, 2009

July 4, 2009

Soy sauce doesn't taste good?

Man: Soy sauce doesn't taste good? Where you going to get soy sauce with pure first rate soy beans these days... there all mixed with (kanji) starch... Eh, (janji) promises!

Reading "What's this... yet another brand of soy sauce" and "Like you're actually gonna do something", in early July hundreds of banners appealing to the Jakartan pubic not to fooled by election promises were put up around the city by the Had it with Promises Social Forum.

Kompas – July 4, 2009

July 1, 2009

Forget, forget, forget

Clockwise from top: (Vice presidential candidates) Prabowo Subianto, Boediono, Wiranto, (presidential candidates) Jusuf Kalla, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Buskers: Forget, forget, forget, don't forget your promises. Remember, remember, remember, don't just think about seats.

(Adapted from the hit song Forget Forget Remember by the Grave Band)

Kompas – July 1, 2009

June 27, 2009

It's a masquerade party

From left: Yudhoyono, Megawati Sukarnoputri, Jusuf Kalla.

Kid: It's a festival of democracy, right dad? So how come they smile at each other on TV but criticise each other behind their backs?

Father: It's a masquerade party, don't you know!

In stark contrast to the petty point scoring and mudslinging that has characterised the presidential election, candidates spent most of the first televised debate joking and complimenting each other.

Kompas – June 27, 2009